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How to search

How to search

There are two ways to search in Trans-Lex: you can use the easy search and the expert search.

Easy search

The easiest way to search in Trans-Lex is simply typing one or more search terms in the text field. If you use more than one word all words must be in the machting documents. 


Expert search

A more sophisitaced approach is the expert search. If you want specific matches you can use several operators and filters. 



You can use operators in the following way: 

law OR lex OR "force majeure"

This search query will match on documents which contain the word law or lex or the phrase "force majeure" or all of them. 


List of operators:

AND both words must be in matching documents
OR at least one of both words must match
"" the whole phrase must match



There are also some filters. Filters are not looking at the specific content of a document but rather at the metadata of the document. 


An example for the filter syntax is:  

force majeure lang:de

There are no operator between force and majeuere. Therefore, those words have to match both (like the easy search). The filter "lang" refers to the language of the matching documents.  

Possible languages are:


en English
de German
it Italian
fr French
es Spanish
la Latin
nl Dutch
pt Portugese


Possible filters: 

lang see above
doctype type of the matching documents (legis-central-principle, legis-principle, legis-international, legis-national, legis-model-law, legis-misc, juris-court-decision, juris-arbitral-decision, clause-model-term, clause-arbitration-rules, clause-arbitration-claus, doctrine, example, misc
type section of Trans-Lex (biblio, document, principle, link, material)
A project of CENTRAL, University of Cologne.