53Latin 24.
Yet of the Term of S. Michael.By writ of the Great Seal, which is in the marshal’s forule, directed to the Treasurer and Barons in these words: Edward by the grace of God, etc. To hig Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, greeting. Gettus Honesti, merchant of Lucca, has shown to us that where Pelegrin son of Gerardin of Chartres has been his servant and receiver of the
54moneys of him, Gettus, having the care and administration of all his things and goods within our Kingdom, the same Pelegrin, his account of the above not liquidated, seeking subterfuges, runs about and wanders everywhere, retaining for himself a great sum of money which he had before received for the use of the same Gettus from the goods and merchandises of the same Gettus, to the no small loss and grievance of him, Gettus. Wishing, therefore, to assist the same Gettus in this matter as far as we are able with justice, we command you that at the suit of the aforesaid Gettus you do cause the aforesaid Pelegrin to come before you in the Exchequer aforesaid to render his account aforesaid to the same Gettus, according to the custom of the Exchequer aforesaid,and as the same Gettus shall be able reasonably and according to the law merchant to expound what he [Pelegrin] ought to render to him. Witness, etc.
By pretext of which mandate the aforesaid Barons made the aforesaid Pelegrin to come before them at the Exchequer aforesaid on Thursday next before the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary. At which day as well the aforesaid Gettus as the aforesaid Pelegrin came before, etc. And the aforesaid Gettus craves that the aforesaid Pelegrin do render to him an account for the time when he was his servant and receiver of moneys, and having the care and administration of his goods and chattels to the value of fifty thousand marcs, namely from the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord in the seventh year of the reign of the now King to the same Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord in the nineteenth year of the reign of the now King, for which time he has not yet rendered an account, etc.
And the aforesaid Pelegrin comes and says that the aforesaid Gettus unjustly exacts from him an account of this kind, because he says that he never was his servant, nor his receiver, and also he had not any administration of the goods and chattels of the aforesaid Gettus, as is imputed to him, and this he is prepared to aver in any manner, etc. And. the aforesaid Gettus likewise. Therefore precept is given to the sheriff of London that he do make to come here on Wednesday next after the Octaves of the Purification of the Blessed Mary twelve lawful merchants of the greater societies of merchants existing in the aforesaid city, by whom, etc., and whoneither, etc., to certify, etc. Because as well, etc.
At which day came, etc., jurors of the inquisition aforesaid by James [son of] Betollius, Gerard de Oliva, Vannus Galeise, Lapus Bonich, Roger of Pistoria, John Wulpes, Blanke de Scales, Carochius [son of Hubert], Jakettus son of Dunuchius, James Brabazun,
55Bonaventure son of Hugelin and Hugelin de Vike, on whom the parties agreed. Who say upon their oath that the aforesaid Pelegrin was the receiver of the moneys of the aforesaid Gettus and cashier and administrator of the proper goods of him, Gettus. So that he is bound to render an account thereof to the aforesaid Gettus ; but of how much, or from what time, they know not. Therefore it is awarded that the aforesaid Pelegrin do render to the aforesaid Gettus a reasonable account, etc., according to what the aforesaid Gettus shall lawfully have charged him with. And hereupon the aforesaid Pelegrin finds sureties to render the account aforesaid, namely Hugh of Vienne, Hubert Dogy, John de Montibus, Pinus Bernardini, Walter of Florence and Dyvus Bare. And auditors are given to hear the aforesaid account; namely Iterus de Angouléme, Master Robert of Tadcaster, Barouncinus of Lucca and James Betollii. And hereupon the aforesaid Pelegrin found these sureties, namely Hugh of Vienne, John de Montibus, Walter of Florence and Pinus the Lombard, who were sureties to have him
before, etc., from day to day, to render the aforesaid account.
Afterwards the aforesaid auditors came before the Treasurer and Barons, in the presence of the aforesaid parties, and said that they are not able to proceed rightly for the hearing of the aforesaid account, because they say that when the aforesaid Gettus produced before the same auditors books and papers to charge the aforesaid Pelegrin with divers receipts of money contained in the same books and papers, the aforesaid Pelegrin, continuously objecting hereupon, said that that money was not the proper money of Gettus himself, as lord of the thing, the property in which pertained to him alone. Nay, it was from
the common stock of the fellows of the same society of which Gettus and Pelegrin were fellows, on account of which he was not bound to render an account thereof to him [Gettus] alone, etc.
And the aforesaid Gettus said that that money was his and belonged only to himself alone, without the participation of any fellow; in respect of which he demands against the aforesaid Pelegrin, as his servant and receiver thereof, an account to be rendered to him, etc. And because the Treasurer and Barons could not know the truth hereof without the further and fuller information of the same jurors, nor even could the truth hereof be investigated by the common law, but
only by the law merchant and the custom of the Exchequer, the sheriffs of London are commanded that they make to come before, etc., on Monday next after Ember Day the jurors aforesaid to certify the same Barons better in the premises.
At which day the aforesaid jurors came and they were asked by the Barons, etc., whether that money respecting which the aforesaid
56Gettus exacts an account against the aforesaid Pelegrin by books and papers which he produced there was the proper money of the aforesaid Gettus and pertaining to him alone, as the true lord of the money itself, to do and ordain his will thereof as of his own thing; and that the aforesaid Pelegrin as the servant of the aforesaid Gettus and receiver of the aforesaid money is bound to render an account thereof to the aforesaid Gettus ; or if the same money was part of the common stock and sharing of the fellows of any society of which Gettus and Pelegrin were fellows. And if of any society, by what style and by what means is that society named. Who say, upon their oath, that that money in respect of which the aforesaid Gettus exacts an account against the aforesaid Pelegrin by
the books and papers aforesaid, was the proper money of him, Gettus, to ordain and do his will thereof as of his own thing; and that the aforesaid Pelegrin as the servant of the aforesaid Gettus and his receiver is bound to render an account thereof to the same Gettus without the assistance, claim or participation of another fellow of any society ; because they say that they do not know that the said Gettus had any partner.
Afterwards, when the aforesaid Gettus would have charged the aforesaid Pelegrin with 2800 mares of the arrears of his account formerly rendered in the year of Grace 1279, the same Pelegrin replied that he ought not to be charged therewith, forasmuch as he says that he himself at the command of the aforesaid Gettus rendered an account of the aforesaid arrears and of the eight years following to a certain Nicholas, servant of him, Gettus, and that the same Gettus
accepted the aforesaid account rendered to the aforesaid Nicholas, as it can be shown from the books written by the hand of the aforesaid Gettus, which he produced before the Barons. And because the idiom written in the same books was unknown to the Barons, and also because the laws and customs used between merchants are similarly unknown to the Barons, the same Barons, wishing to be more fully informed upon these matters, made the said sworn merchants come before them with Barouncin [son of] Walter and Richard of Lucca as their associates, enjoining them upon their oath that they would diligently inspect and examine the books of the aforesaid Pelegrin, by which he says that he had rendered an account to the before-mentioned Gettus and that they should make the aforesaid Barons to know what they should find on this matter.
The said merchants, therefore, the books of the aforesaid Gettus which he wished to propound in declaring his demand and also the books of the aforesaid Pelegrin which similarly he wished to propound in his defence having been handed to them, diligently inspected those books and examined them with all deliberation. And after these had been inspected and examined they said unanimously
57(with the sole exception of Barouncin, who was of a contrary opinion, and who is in like damnation, as it is said) that the aforesaid Pelegrin is bound to render an account to the before-mentioned Gettus for those matters of which he [Gettus] exacts an account from him by the books aforesaid, as of his proper goods. And that although the before- mentioned Pelegrin may have rendered some account to the before- mentioned Nicholas by command of Gettus himself (as the books of the aforesaid Pelegrin in some respects testify), yet according to the custom used between merchants themselves, the said Gettus as lord of the aforesaid Pelegrin is well able to exact, to re-audit and to re-examine the account aforesaid as often as he shall wish. And because it is
found by the aforesaid merchants that the aforesaid Pelegrin was the servant of the aforesaid Gettus, and that he is bound to render to him an account as for his proper goods, it is said to him that he must render to the before-mentioned Gettus the account which he (Gettus) exacts from him. And because he would not render it, it is awarded that he go to prison.
Afterwards, by writ of the Great Seal which is imrolled in the Memoranda Rolls and which is in the forule of the Marshal, the aforesaid Pelegrin is mainprised, to be before the lord King in fifteen days from the day of the Holy Trinity, by Hugh of Vienne, Peter Mallore, knight, William Giffard, Barouncin [son of] Walter, Simon Godard, Walter of Claremont and James Pia Fama, who mainprised him, to have him before the lord King wheresoever, etc., at the day aforesaid to
hear and do what shall be consonant with reason in the premises.
Afterwards, in three weeks from the Day of 8. John the Baptist, in the twentieth year of the reign of the now King, the King’s writ was directed to his Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer in these words :
Edward by the grace of God, ete., to his Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, greeting. Whereas lately at the complaint of Pelegrin of Lucca, merchant, we commanded you that you should cause the record and process of a certain plea, which was before you by writ of our Great Seal between Gettus Honesti and the aforesaid Pelegrin concerning a certain account which the said Gettus was exacting from the same Pelegrin, to come before us in the Quindisme of the Holy Trinity last past, and that the said Pelegrin then being in our prison of the Fleet, you should in the meantime liberate [him] by good mainprise, and should prefix a day to the parties that they should be before us at the same day, wheresoever we might then be, to receive what justice may counsel in that case; after the record and process aforesaid had been heard and inspected by us and our counsel, it appears to us that
58certain defects of law emerge in the same and that you have examined the same matter with insufficient care in certain respects. And so we command you that, calling to you our Justices who sit near you and others whom you may think it meet to summon, you do cause the record and process of the same case to be diligently examined in the full Exchequer and corrected ; and also that a full measure of justice herein be given to the parties, so that a repetition of the complaint on these matters may not come to us. And because the said Pelegrin showed certain reasonings before us at that day which, as he says, you
have as yet refused to allow in the same Exchequer, we again command you that after hearing and more fully understanding those reasonings, you do duly allow the same to him as may seem fit to be done ; knowing that we have given a day to the parties that they are to be before you at the same Exchequer in three weeks from the day of S. John the Baptist last. past to do and receive what by you shall be awarded and decreed in the matter. And to perform this Hugh of Vienne, clerk of Henry of Chartres, Frisot of Claremont and Walter [son of] Theobald, merchants, have bailed Pelegrin himself; and [that] this bail may
continue as now until the same Pelegrin has appeared there before you, take security from the same [Pelegrin] which may seem to you sufficient. Given under our Privy Seal, at Berwick on Tweed, the-last day of July in the twentieth year of our reign.
At which day as well the aforesaid Gettus as the aforesaid Pelegrin came. And the same Gettus and Pelegrin by mutual consent, by license of the Treasurer and Barons and Justices of the Bench, elected for themselves Henry of Chartres, Gerard de Sabolino and Brache Geraud as auditors to hear and determine between themselves that account within a month of Michaelmas next to come. So that, however, if any articles touching the same account propounded or pronounced before the same auditors, from whichever side they might come, could not be fully discussed or terminated, then the same articles are to be referred and pronounced before the aforesaid Treasurer and Barons and Justices of the Bench at the aforesaid day, and that there the parties aforesaid may have [leave] to give their reasonings hereupon as to them shall seem expedient. Moreover the said Gettus and Pelegrin by mutual wish have promised and firmly consented that if two of the aforesaid auditors shall unanimously agree on an award respecting matters and articles whatsoever touching the aforesaid account, the award of those two is to be had and held in all things and through all things as a settled and firm judgment, notwithstanding any objection or protest of the third of the same auditors. And unless the parties shall agree together within the day aforesaid, or that the
59account aforesaid before the auditors aforesaid cannot be terminated by award of the auditors or of two of them, then the parties aforesaid are to be before the Treasurer and Barons at the day aforesaid to set forth their reckonings on both sides and in the state in which they were before they had agreed on the election of the aforesaid auditors. And Barouncin [son of] Walter, Burgeis Fulbert, John the Great, James Presame, Pinus [son of] Bernardin, Fache Galgane, Sir David de Offintune, knight, and Guy Bonaventura and Giles de Audonardo mainprised the aforesaid Pelegrin to carry out the premises in the form aforesaid. At which day the parties aforesaid came before the Barons, and at the instance of the aforesaid parties, the day is to be continued until Monday in the Eve of 8. Martin in the same state as now. And Barouncin [son of] Gilbert le Mateliver, William Painel, James Pia Fama, Hugolin Secche and Pinus [son of] Bernardin mainprised the aforesaid Pelegrin in the [same] formas before, etc. At which day came before the Barons the aforesaid auditors. And because the aforesaid auditors have not heard the aforesaid account, a day is given to the parties who were present, and likewise to the aforesaid auditors, that they be here, etc., on Monday next after the Feast of 8. Martin in the same state as now, and Burgeis Fulbert, John the Great, Hugelin [Secche], James Pia Fama, John [son of] Lambert, Pinus [son of] Bernardin and Walter of Claremont mainprised the aforesaid Pelegrin in the [same] form as before, etc. At which day the parties aforesaid came, and likewise of the aforesaid auditors came Henry of Chartres and Gerardin [son of] Sabolin. And the same auditors say that certain difficult and complicated
reasonings are propounded before them in this case which, on account of their difficulty, remain undecided and undiscussed, so that they are not able to arrive at the conclusion of a true award by a clear and sufficient process ; on which account, having craved license of the Barons and Justices and having had it, the aforesaid Gettus and Pelegrin consented, by a unanimous assent and wish, that three lawful merchants shall be joined to the aforesaid two auditors and that they shall be constituted arbitrators, and that one is to be elected by the aforesaid Gettus and another by the aforesaid Pelegrin and a third by the respective assent of the same Gettus and Pelegrin. And hereupon the aforesaid Gettus elected Burnet [son of] Angelin ; and the aforesaid Pelegrin elected Dardan of the Council, and a third was elected by the mutual assent of the same Gettus and Pelegrin, namely James [son of] Janian, by whose verdict they pledged them-
selves in good faith in what way soever decisions and decrees should be made by the same arbitrators concerning all manner of chattels and gain, receipts, disbursements, charges, discharges, and all other matters, articles and contracts whatsoever, as well foreign as domestic, had and derived as well from parts beyond the sea as those on this
60side, touching the aforesaid account in any way soever for the whole time before mentioned for which the aforesaid Gettus exacts the same account from the aforesaid Pelegrin, and also they submitted themselves entirely to the final vote of high and low standing. So that after they have heard the parties on matters whatsoever touching the aforesaid account, they are to refer what they have done and heard to the presence of the before-mentioned Barons and Justices, who shall afterwards proceed to judgment thereon; namely, what all [the arbitrators] or four or three shall agree upon as to the same matters premised, however the other two outstanding may object or protest against their verdict, the verdict of those three is to be upheld in all things and through all things as a firm judgment; the reasonings whatsoever of the aforesaid two of the residue of the same arbitrators who come against this being quashed. And that they are to have that verdict before the Barons in the proper persons of the same arbitrators on the Morrow of §. Andrew that then [the Court] may proceed to judgment
according to what it may discern through their verdict. And if all or four or three of the same arbitrators between themselves shall not be able to give a conclusion in the premises, then they are to be before the before-mentioned Barons at the same day to show wherein there is default or difficulty wherefore they were not able to agree in framing a verdict to this effect. And the parties aforesaid are then to be before the before-mentioned Barons at the aforesaid day in that state in which they were before the election aforesaid, unless the aforesaid arbitrators shall have agreed between themselves in the form aforesaid.
And the aforesaid arbitrators proffered their oath in the presence of the before-mentioned Barons that they would proceed well and faithfully to the hearing of the aforesaid account. And the said Pelegrin was mainprised meanwhile by Burgeis Fulbert, John the Great, Hugolin Secche, James Pia Fama, John[son of] Lambert, Pinus [son of] Bernardin, Walter of Claremont from day to day until the day abovesaid. And it is said by the Barons to the aforesaid Gettus and Pelegrin that they are to go and set forth their reasonings as is fitting before their arbitrators, etc.
At which day the parties aforesaid came, and the arbitrators likewise came. And the same arbitrators, asked if they have audited the aforesaid account in full, say that they have not, on account of the briefness of the time which they had [for it]. Therefore a day is given to them, Monday next after the Feast of 8. Nicholas. And that in the meantime they do proceed to the auditing of the aforesaid account. And likewise the parties aforesaid, who were present, have the same day. And they consent to this, And the aforesaid Pelegrin meanwhile is mainprised by the aforesaid Burgeis Fulbert and the others abovesaid from day to day until the aforesaid account can be audited and judgment pronounced hereupon.
61At which day the aforesaid parties came, and likewise the aforesaid arbitrators came and proffered a certain schedule wherein is contained their verdict, to which the aforesaid arbitrators, or the greater part, consented and conformed between themselves, even agreed. And because the aforesaid Barons are rising and closing the Exchequer, and also the Justices of the Bench, who are associated with the same Barons for hearing and terminating the premises, have already risen from the Bench, as for the ending of term, the aforesaid schedule in a certain box, marked, is delivered to John de Kirkeby, remembrancer of the aforesaid Exchequer, for custody. And a day is given to the parties aforesaid in the Quindisme of 8. Hilary to hear the verdict of the aforesaid arbitrators. And the aforesaid arbitrators have the same day. And meanwhile the aforesaid Pelegrin is mainprised by the aforesaid Burgeis Fulbert and the others, etc., that he will be at the day aforesaid to hear the same verdict of the aforesaid arbitrators.
At which day the parties aforesaid came and likewise the aforesaid arbitrators came. And the aforesaid Gettus and Pelegrin, asked separately and in turn by the Barons and Justices of the Bench there present if the aforesaid arbitrators with good diligence absorbed their reckonings and answers which they put forward for themselves before them and treated them well and faithfully upon the same account: and if the same upon the audit of the aforesaid account in any degree omitted to admit or allow any reckonings put forward on one side or the other, separately and in turn said that well and faithfully they admitted their reckonings and firmly they believe and assert that they [the arbitrators] faithfully confirmed and decreed their verdict in the premises. And hereupon the schedule which remained with the aforesaid remembrancer was unrolled before the Barons and Justices of the Bench and was read before the parties and arbitrators aforesaid in these words :
We, Henry of Chartres, Burnet Angelin, Gerard Sabolin, James Janian and Dardan of the Council, say and set forth our true and faithful statement, pronouncing truthfully that we find the aforesaid Pelegrin in arrears of his account towards the aforesaid Gettus by the books and quaternions of him, Pelegrin, in 1741. 12s. 8d. sterling. And also we, Burnet, Gerard, James and Dardan, say that the same Peilegrin is yet in arrears for the gains which the same Pelegrin made and obtained in the parts of Ireland with Scot de Wekes and Tegge de Compoille, merchants of Florence, in respect of 2887. 6s. 8d. sterling, with which the same Pelegrin never charged himself in his account.
62Also we all say that, as for the contract lately made in the Kingdom of England between the Duke of Brabant and the aforesaid Pelegrin concerning a certain yearly rent of 8001. (of Tours) which the same Pelegrin acquired from the same Duke for the term of the life of him, Pelegrin, and of one year thereafter following for 4000 mares sterling, which he paid to him out of his own proper moneys, which he had from his brother who lately died in England, that the aforesaid Gettus ought to have that rent, if he shall wish, at the like price of 4000 mares sterling.
Therefore it is awarded that the aforesaid Pelegrin be convicted of the aforesaid [debts] and that he do satisfy the aforesaid Gettus thereof. And it is said to the same Pelegrin by the aforesaid Barons that he is to deliver to the before-mentioned Gettus all writings and instruments which he has in his possession concerning the aforesaid rent which the aforesaid Duke of Brabant owes to the before-mentioned Pelegrin yearly. And hereupon the aforesaid Pelegrin, asked if he has in hand wherewith he can satisfy the same Gettus concerning the aforesaid money, he says that he has not. Therefore let him be committed to prison at the Fleet until, etc.
53English 24
Adhue de termino Sanoti Michaelis.Per breve de magno sigillo, quod est in forulo marescalli, Thesaurario et Baronibus directum in hec verba: Edwardus Dei gratia, etc. "Thesaurario et Baronibus suis de Seaccario, salutem. Monstravit nobis Gettus Honesti, mereator Luke, quod cum Pelegrinus filius Gerardini de Chartres serviens suus extiterit et receptor
54denariorum ipsius Getti, omnium rerum et bonorum suorum infra regnum nostrum curam habens et administracionem, idem Pelegrinus, compoto suo de premissis non soluto, subterfugia querens, ubique discurrit et vagatur, magnam summam pecunie quam de bonis et mercandisis predieti Getti prius ad opus ejusdem Getti prius receperat sibi retinendo, in ipsius Getti dampnum non modicum et gravamen. Volentes igitur eidem Getto, quatenus cum justitia poterimus in hac parte, subvenire, vobis mandamus quod ad sectam predicti Getti venire faciatis coram vobis in Seaccario predicto predictum Pelegrinum ad reddendum eidem Getto compotum suum predictum, secundum consuetudinem Sceaecarii predicti et prout idem Gettus racionabiliter et secundum legem mercatoriam docere poterit quod ei reddere debeat.Teste, etc.
Pretextu cujus mandati predicti Barones venire fecerunt corameis ad Seaccarium predietum predictum Pelegrinum die Jovis proxima anie festum Purifieoacionis Beate Marie. Ad quem diem venerunt coram, etc., tam predictus Gettus quam predictus Pelegrinus, etc. Et predictus Gettus petit quod predictus Pelegrinus reddat ei compotum de tempore quo fuit serviens suus et receptor denariorum et curam habens et administracionem bonorum et catalloum suorum, ad valenciam quinquaginta mille marearum, videlieet a festo Nativitatis Domini anno regni Regis nune septimo, usque ad idem festum Nativitatis Domini anno regni Regis nunc decimo nono, de quo tempore nondum compotum reddidit, etc.
Et predictus Pelegrinus venit et dicit quod predictus Gettus injuste exigit ab eo hujusmodi compotum, quia dicit quod nunquam serviens ejus fuit nee ejus receptor nec eciam aliquam administracionem bonorum et catallorum predicti Getti habuit, prout ei imponitur, et hoc paratus est verificare qualitercumque, etc. Et predictus Gettus similiter. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti Londonie quod venire faciat hic die Mercurii proxima post Octabas Purificacionis Beate Marie duodecim legales mercatores de majoribus societatibus mercatorum in predicta civitate existencium, per quos, etc., et qui nec, etc., ad certificandum, eic. Quia tam, eto.
Ad quem diem venerunt, etc., juratores inquisieionis predicte per Jacobum Betollii, Gerardum de Oliva, Vannum Galeise, Lapum Bonichi, Rogerum de Pistoire, Johannem Uulpes, Blanke de Scales, Karochium Huberti, Jakettum Dunuchii, Jacobum Brabazun, Benaventurum
55Hugelini et Hugelium de Vike, in quos partes consenserunt. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Pelegrinus fuit receptor denariorum predieti Getti et liberator et administrator propriorum bonorum ipsius Getti. Ita quod compotum inde prefato Getto tenetur reddere, set de quanto, vel a quo tempore ignorant. Ideo consideratum est quod predictus Pelegrinus reddat prefato Getto racionabilem compotum, etc., secundum quod predictus Gettus ipsum legaliter onerabit. Et super hoe predictus Pelegrinus invenit manucaptores ad reddendum compotum predictum, videlicet Hugonem de Vienne, Hubertum Dogy, Johannem de Montibus, Pinum Bernardini, Galterum de Florence et Dyvum Bare. Et dati sunt auditores ad predietum compotum audiendum, videlicet, lterus de
Engolismo, Magister Robertus de Tadecastre, Baruncinus de Luk' et Jacobus Betolli. Et super hoc predietus Pelegrinus invenit hos manucaptores, videlicet, Hugonem de Vienne, Johannem de Montibus, Galterum de Florence Pinum le Lumbard, qui ipsum manuceperunt habere coram, etc., de die in diem ad predictum compotum reddendum.
Postea predicti auditores venerunt coram Thesaurario et Baronibus, in presencia predictarum parcium, et dixerunt quod ad audicionem predieti compoti rite procedere non possunt; quia dicunt quod ubi prefatus Gettus protulit coram eisdem auditoribus libros et papiros ad onerandum predictum Pelegrinum de diversis receptis pecunie in eisdem libris et papiris contentis, prefatus Pelegrinus continue super hoc objieiendo dixit quod illa pecunia non fuit propria pecunia ipsius Getti tanquam domini rei, cujus proprietas sibi soli pertinebat. Immo fuit de communi sorte sociorum ejusdem societatis, de qua idem Gettus et Pelegrinus socii fuerunt, propter quod non tenebatur sibi soli compotum inde reddere, etc.
Et predictus Gettus dixit quod illa pecunia fuit sua et ad ipsum solummodo pertinebat, sine participacione alieujus socii, de qua petit versus predictum Pelegrinum, tanquam servientem suum et inde receptorem, compotum sibi reddi, ete. Et quia Thessurarius et Barones veritatem inde scire non poterant absque ulteriori et pleniori certificacione eorundem juratorum, nee etiam veritas super hoe discutti poterat per legem communem, set tantum per legem mercatoriam et consuetudinem Scaecarii, mandatum est vicecomitibus Londonie quod venire faciant coram, ete., die Lune proxima post diem Cinerum juratores supradictos ad certificandum eosdem Baronesmelius in premissis.
Ad quem diem predicti juratores venerunt et requisiti sunt per Barones, etc., utrum illa pecunia de qua predietus Gettus exigit
56compotum versus predictum Pelegrinum per libros et papiros quos ibidem protulit fuit propria pecunia predicti Getti et ad ipsum solum tanquam verum dominum ipsius peeunie pertinens ad faciendum et ordinandum inde voluntatem suam tanquam de re propria, et quod predictus Pelegrinus tanquam serviens predicti Getti et receptor prediete pecunie teneatur inde compotum reddere prefato Getto; vel si eadem pecunia fuit de communi sorte et, participacione sociorum alieujus societatis de qua idem Gettus et Pelegrinus socii fuerunt. Et si alicujus societatis, qualiter e& quomodo vocatur illa societas. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod illa pecunia de qua predictus Gettus exigit compotum versus predietum Pelegrinum per libros et papiros predictos fuit propria pecunia ipsius Getti ad ordinandum et faciendum inde voluntatem suam, tanquam de re propria; et quod predictus Pelegrinus tanquam serviens predicti Getti et receptor, inde tenetur reddere compotum eidem Getto sine adjunctione, vendicacione, seu participacione alterius socii alicujus Socletaiis; quia dicunt quod nesciunt quod dietus Gettus habuit aliquem socium.
Postea, cum predictus Gettus oneraret predietum Pelegrinum de mmdeec. marcis de arreragio corpoti sui prius redditi, anno gracie MCCLXXIX, idem Pelegrinus respondit quod non debet inde onerari eo quod dieit quod ipse, ad mandatum prefati Getti, reddidit compotum de predictis arreragiis et de octo annis sequentibus cuidam Nieholao servienti ipsius Getti, et quod idem Gettus compotum predictum predieto Nicholao redditum aeceptavit, sicut potest liquere per libros manu predieti Getti scriptos, quos protulit coram Baronibus. Et quia idioma in eisdem libris seriptum ignotum fuit Baronibus, et etiam quia leges et consuetudines inter mercatores usitate sunt similiter Baronibus incognite, iidem Barones volentes super hiis plenius certiorari, venire fecerunt coram eis dietos mercatores juratos, associatis sibi Baruneino Galteri et Bicardo de Luk', injungentes eis, super sacramentum suum, quod diligenter inspieerent et examinarent libros predicti Pelegrini per quos dieit se compotum reddidisse prefato Getto et quod inde invenirent, seire facerent Baronibus antedictis.
Dieti igitur mercatores, traditis sibi libris predicti Getti quos proponere voluit pro demanda sua declaranda, necnon et libris predicti Pelegrini quos similiter proponere voluit ad defensionem suam, ipsos libros diligenter inspexerunt et cum omni deliberacione examinaverunt. Quibus inspectis et examinatis concorditer, excepto solo Baruncino,
57qui fuit contrarie opinionis, et qui in simili dampnacione est, ut dicitur, dixerunt quod predictus Pelegrinus tenetur compotum reddere prefato Getto de hiis de quibus compotum exigit ab eo per libros predictos, tanquam de bonis suis propriis. Et quod quamquam prefatus Pelegrinus compotum aliquem reddiderit prefato Nieholao de mandato ipsius Getti, sicut libri predicti Pelegrini in aliquibus testantur, tamen secundum consuetudinem inter ipsos mercatores usitatum bene licet dicto Getto, tanquam domino predicti Pelegrini, compotum predictum exigere, reaudire et reexaminare quociens voluerit. Et quia compertum est per predictos mercatores quod predictus Pelegrinus fuit serviens predicti Getti, e& quod de omnibus bonis de quibus exigib ab eo compotum per libros et papiros predictos tenetur ei reddere compotum, tanquam de bonis suis propriis, dictum est ei quod reddat prefato Getto compotum quem ab eo exigit. Et quia illum reddere noluit, consideratum est quod eat ad prisonam.
Postea per breve de magno sigillo quod irrotulatur in rotuli Memorandorum et quod est in forulo Marescalli, predictus Pelegrinus manueaptus est essendi coram Domino Hege a die Sancte Trinitatis in quindecim dies, per Hugonem de Vienne, Petrum Mallore militem, Willelmum Giffard, Barunecinum Galteri, Simonem Godard, Galterum de Monte Claro, et Jacobum Pia Fama, qui ipsum manuceperunt habendi ipsum coram Domino Rege ubieumque, etc., ad diem gupradictum ad audiendum et faciendum quod consonum fuerit rationi in premissis.
Postea a die Saneti Johannis Baptiste in tres septimanas, anno regni Regis nunc vicesimo, directum Íuit breve Hegis Thesaurario ef Baronibus suis de Seaccario in hec verba :
Edwardus Dei gratia, etc., Thesaurario ot Baronibus suis de Scaecario salutem. Cum nuper ad querimoniam Pelegrini de Luke, mercatoris, vobus mandaverimus quod recordum et processum cujusdam placiti, quod fuit coram vobis per breve de magno sigillo nostro inter Gettum Honesti et predictum Pelegrinum de quodam compoto quem dictus Gettus ab eodem Pelegrino exigebat, venire faceretis coram nobis in quindena Sancte Trinitatis proxima preterita et quod, idem Pelegrinus in prisona nostra de Flete tunc existens, per bonam manucaptionem interim deliberari faceretis, et partibus diem prefigeretis quod essent coram nobis ad eundem diem, ubicumque tunc essemus, ad reciplendum quod justicia suaderet in hae parte; auditis jam recordo et processu predictis et per nos et consilium nostrum inspectis, videtur nobis
58quod quidam defectus iminent in eisdem, quodque idem negocium minus rite examinastis in quibusdam. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod vocatis ad vos Justiciariis nostris juxta vos existentibus et aliis quos videritis evocandis, recordum et processum hujusmodi in pleno Seaecario diligenter examinari faciatis et corrigi; ac etiam partibus hine inde fieri justieie complementum ; ita quod ad nos super hiis querimonia non veniat iterata. Eit quia dietus Pelegrinus quasdam raciones coram nobis ad diem illum ostendebat quas, sicut dicit, in eodem Seaecario ei recusastis hactenus allocare, vobis iterato mandamus quod racionibus illis auditis et plenius intellectis, eidem debite allocetis easdem prout videritis fore faciendum. Seientes nos partibus dedisse diem quod sint coram vobis ad idem Seaecarium a die Saneti Johannis Baptiste proxima preterita in tres Septimanas, ad faciendum oet recipiendum quod per vos inde consideratum fuerit et decretum. Ad quod faciendum ipsum Pelegrinum manuceperunt Hugo de Vienne, clerieus Henriei de Chartres, Frisotus de Monte Claro et Walterus Thedaldi mercatores; que quidem manucaptio donec idem Pelegrinus coram vobis ibidem comparuerit perseveret ut nune, securitatem capiatis quam suffieientem videritis ab eodem. Data sub privato sigillo nostro apud Berewyk' super Twedam, ultimo die Julii, anno regni nostri vicesimo.
Ad quem diem tam predictus Gettus quam predictus Pelegrinus venerunt. Et iidem Gettus et Pelegrinus ex mutuo consensu, per licenciam Thesaurarii et Baronum et Justieiariorum de Banco, elegerunt sibi Henrieum de Chartres, Gerardum de Sabolio et Brache Geraud' auditores ad predictum eompotum inter eos audiendum et terminandum eitra mensem Sancti Michaelis proximo futuri. Tta tamen quod si aliqui articuli eundem compotum tangentes, a qua parte fuerint, coram eisdem auditoribus propositi seu pronunciati, ad plenum discuti seu terminari non poterint, tunc iidem artieuli per predictos auditores referantur et pronuncientur coram predictis Thesaurario et Baronibus et Justiciariis de Banco ad predictum diem ; et quod partes prediete habeant rationes suas super hiis ibidem dicere, prout sibi viderint expedire. Preterea dicti Gettus et Pelegrinus mutua voluntate promiserunt et firmiter consenserunt quod si duo de predictis auditoribus de rebus et articulis quibuscumque predietum compotum tangentibus unanima consideratione ad invicem concordaverint, illorum duorum consideratio in omnibus et per omnia tanquam pro rato et firmo judicio habeatur et teneatur, non obstante aliqua objectione seu reclamacione tercii de eisdem auditoribus. Et nisi partes predicte eitra diem predictum adinvicem concordaverunt, vel quod ceompotus
59predietus coram auditoribus predictis per consideracionem auditorum, seu duorum de eisdem, terminari non poterit, tunc partes predicte sint coram Thesaurario et Baronibus ad diem predictum raeiones suas hine inde exposituri et statu quo fuerunt antequam consenserant in eleetionem predietorum auditorum. Et Baruncinus Galteri, Burgeis Fulebert, Johannes le Graunt, Jacobus Presame, Pinus Bernardin', Fache Galgane, dominus David de Offintone, miles, et Guido Bonaventura et Egidius de Audonardo manuceperunt predictum Pelegrinum ad premissa facienda in forma predicta. Ad quem diem venerunt coram Baronibus partes predicte, et ad instanciam predictarum parcium continuatur dies usque diem Lune in Vigilia Saneti Martini in eodem statu quo nune. Et Baruncinus Gilberti le Mateliver, Willelmus Painel, Jacobus Pia Fama, Hugolinus Seeche et, Pinus Bernardini manuceperunt predietum Pelegrinum in forma qua prius, etc. Ad quem diem venerunt coram Baronibus predieti auditores. Et quia predicti auditores non audiverunt predictum compotum, datus est dies partibus que presentes fuerunt, et similiter predictis auditoribus, quod sint hie, etc., die Lune proxima post festum Sancii Martini in eodem statu quo nunc. Et Burgeis Fulebert, Johannes le Graunt, Hugelinus [Secche], Jacobus Pia Fama, Johannes Lamberti, Pinus Bernardin et Galterus de Monte Claro manuceperunt predictum Pelegrinum in forma qua prius, etc.
Ad quem diem partes predicte venerunt, et similiter de predictis auditoribus venerunt Henricus de Chartres et Gerardinus Sabolini. Et iidem auditores dicunt quod quedam raciones difficiles et inplieite coram eis hinc inde proponuntur que propter diffieultatem carum remanent indecise et indiscusse, ita quod claro et sufficienti processu ad finem vere consideracionis accedere non possunt; propter quod, petita licentia Baronum et Justiciariorum et habita, predict Gettus et Pelegrinus unanimi assensu ei voluntate consenserunt quod prefatis duobus auditoribus adjungantur tres mercatores leg[ales] et fiant corum arbitri et quod unus eligatur per predictum Gettum et alius per predictum Pelegrinum et tercius ex utriusque assensu eorundem Getti et Pelegrini. Et super hoc predietus
Gettus elegit Burnettum Angelini; et predictus Pelegrinus elegit Dardanum Concilii; et tercius electus est ex mutuo assensu corundem Getti et Pelegrini, videlicet Jacobus Janiani, quorum dieto de omnimodis eatallis et lucro, receptis, liberationibus, oneracionibus, exoneracionibus, et omnibus aliis rebus, articulis et contractibus quibuscumque, tam forinsecis quam deinsecis, tam partibus transmarinis quam cismarinis
60habitis et deductis, predictum compotum qualitereumque tangentibus de toto tempore antedicto quo predictus Gettus exigit eundem compotum de predicto Pelegrino, bona fide compromiserunt qualitereumque per eosdem arbitros decisum vel decretum fuerit, et etiam fiali voto alte et basse standi, omnino se submiserunt. Ita quod preterquam audiverint partes super quibuscumque predictum eompotum tangentibus, hoc quod fecerint et audierint coram prefatis Baronibus et Justieiariis referant, per quos inde ad judicium postea procedatur; videlicet, quod omnes de eisdem, vel quatuor sive tres in premissis concordaverint, qualitereumque ceteri duo residui objecerint seu contra dietum eorum trim reclamaverint, illorum trium dietum im omnibus ei per omnia pro firmo judicio teneatur: quassatis racionibus quibuseumque predictorum duorum residuorum de eisdem arbitris contra hoe venieneium. Ei quod illud dictum habeant eoram Baronibus in propriis personis eorundem arbitrorum in crastino Saneti Andree ut tune procedatur ad judicium, secundum quod per dictum eorum fuerit discernendum. Et si omnes seu quatuor sive tres de eisdem arbitris adinvieem [conclusionem] dare non poterint in premissis, tune sint coram prefatis Baronibus ad eundem diem ad monstrandum. in quibus est, defectus sive difficultas, quare ad hujusmodi dietum conformandum non poterunt concordare. Et partes predicte tune sint coram prefatis Baronibus ad predietum diem eo statu quo fuerunt ante [electi]onem predietam, nisi predicti arbitri adinvicem concordaverint in forma predicta.
Et predicti arbitri coram prefatis Baronibus sacramentum prestiterunt quod bene et fideliter ad auditionem predicti compoti procederent,
etc. Et dietus Pelegrinus manucaptus est interim per Burgeis Fullebert, Johannem le Graunt, Hugolinum Seeche, Jacobum Pia Fama,
Johannem Lamberti, Pinum Bernardini, Walterum de Monte Claro, de die in diem usque ad diem supradictum. Et dictum est per Barones
predictis Getto et Pelegrino quod vadant coram arbitris suis raciones suas, secundum quod decet, exposituri, etc.
Ad quem diem partes predicti venerunt, et arbitri similiter venerunt. Eit iidem arbitri, requisiti si predictum compotum peraudiverunt ; qui
dicunt quod non, propter brevitatem temporis quam habuerunt. Ideo datus est eis dies, die Lune proxima post festum Saneti Nicholai.
Bt quod interim procedent ad audieionem predieti eompoti. Et similiter partes predicte, que presentes fuerunt, habent eandem diem.
Et ad hoc consentiunt. Et predictus Pelegrinus interim manucaptus est per predictos Burgeis Fulebert et alios supradictos de die in diem
quousque predietus compotus peraudiatur et judicium super hoc pronuncietur.
61Ad quem diem partes predicte venerunt, et similiter predicti arbitri venerunt et protulerunt quamdam cedulam in qua continetur dictum eorum in quo predicti arbitri pro majore parte consenserunt et se adinvicem conformarunt, etiam coneordarunt. Et quia predicti Barones sunt in levando et Seaecarium claudendo, et eiiam Justieiarii de DBaneo, qui eisdem Baxonibus associantur ad premissa audienda ot terminanda, jam levarunt de Banco tanquam pro fine termini, predicta cedula in quodam pixide consignata liberatur Johanni de Kirkeby rememoratori predieti Seaecarii custodienda. Et datus est dies partibus predictis in quindena Saneti Hillarii ad audiendum dietum predictorum arbitrorum. — Et predicti arbitri habent eundem diem. Et interim predictus Pelegrinus manucaptus est per predietum Burgeis Faillebert et alios, etc., quod erit ad diem predictum ad audiendum idem dietum predietorum arbitrorum.
Ad quem diem partes predicte venerunt et similiter predicti arbitri venerunt. Et predicti Gettus et Pelegrinus per Barones et Justiciarios de Baneo ibidem presentes requisiti separatim et alternis vicibus si predieti arbitri cum bona diligentia admerserunt raciones et responsiones suas quas pro se coram eis proponebant, et bene et fideliter eos super eodem «compoto tractabant: et si iidem super audieione predieti compoti aliquas raciones hine inde propositas aliquatenus omiserunt admittendo seu allocando, qui separatim et alterna vice dixerunt quod bene et fideliter raciones suas admiserunt et firmiter credunt et asserunt eos fideliter dictum suum in premissis confirmasse et decrevisse. Et super hoc devoluta est cedula coram Baronibus et Justieciariis de Banco, que penes predictum rememoratorem residebat, et lecta coram partibus et arbitris supradictis in hec verba :
Nos Henricus de Chartres, Burnettus Angelini, Gerardus de Sabolino, Jacobus Janiani et Dardanus Conceili dieimus et dictum nostrum verum et fidele exponimus, veraciter pronunciantes quod nos invenimus predietum Pelegrinum in arreragiis compoti sui versus predietum Gettum per libros et quaternos ipsius Pelegrini de clxxiiijl. xijs. viijd. sterhngorum. Et etiam nos Burnettus, Gerardus, Jacobus, et Dardanus dicimus quod idem Pelegrinus est adhuc in arreragiis de [lucro] quod idem Pelegrimus fecit et impetravit in partibus Hibernie cura Scot de Wekes et Tegge de Compoille, mercatoribus de Florencia, de ccxxxiljl. vjs. viijd. sterlingorum de quibus idem Pelegrinus nunquam se oneravit in compoto suo. Item dicimus omnes quod super. contractu
62nuper habito in regno Anglie inter Dueem Brabaun[cie] et predictum Pelegrinum de quodam annuo redditu ecc. librarum Turonensium, quem idem Pelegrinus adquisivit ab eodem duce ad terminum vite ipsius Pelegrini et unius anni ulterius sequen[tis], pro cece. marcis sterlingorum, quos ei solvit de denariis suis propriis, quod habuit de fratre suo qui in Anglia nuper decessit, quod predictus Gettus illum redditum habere debeat, si voluerit, pro simili preeio cece. marcarumSberlingorum.
Ideo consideratum est quod predictus Pelegrinus convincatur de predietis et quod. satisfaciat inde predicto Getto. Et dictum est eidem Pelegrino per predietos Barones quod liberet prefato Getto omnia seripta et instrumenta que habet penes se de predicto redditu quem predictus Dux Brabancie debet prefato Pelegrino annuatim. Et requisitus super hoc predictus Pelegrinus, si habeat in promptu unde eidem Getto de predicta pecunia possit satisfacere, qui dicit quod non. Ideo committatur prisone apud Flete donec. etc.
The arbitrators say, pronouncing their true and faithful decision, that they find Pelegrin in arrears with his account due to Gettus, according to the books
of Pelegrin himself, in the sum of 174l. 12s. 10d. sterling. And they say that
149Pelegrin is still in arrears with profits gained in the parts of Ireland for the sum of 233l. 6s. 8d., with which Pelegrin has never charged himself in his account. Also they all say as to the contract lately made in England between the Duke of Brabant and Pelegrin for a yearly rent of 300l. of Tours (which Pelegrin obtained from the same Duke for the term of Pelegrin’s life and one year following in consideration of 4000 marcs sterling which he paid to the Duke out of his own moneys, which he had from his brother who lately died in England) that Gettus ought to have this rent, if he wishes, at the same price of 4000 mares sterling.
They say further that the sum of 100l. only is to be allowed for the claim of Gettus for his expenses in coming to England from his own country to have this account audited and for his damages by delay. As to the sum of 410 marcs claimed by Gettus, which Pelegrin ought to have received from James Bundos, they say that Gettus is to take nothing, because the said James, in default of observing a contract with Pelegrin, submitted himself to Pelegrin who took from him these 410 marcs to his own use: and they say that this profit does not arise from chattels or gain of merchants, but rather from rapine (‘sed pocius ex rapina’).
Whereas Gettus claims from Pelegrin 339l. 9s. of small money of Lucca and 6]. 8s. of small black money of Tours, worth in sterlings 36 marcs, Pelegrin ought to be charged with the same, because (‘we say’) Gettus paid these moneys to Pelegrin’s brothers by the will and assent of Pelegrin
As to the claim for 9l. 19s. 1d. sterling which Pelegrin should have received from Nicholas of Bransebek, they say that Pelegrin ought to be charged, because Nicholas was servant to Gettus and delivered the said money to Pelegrin as of money given by Gettus.
And so the total sum charged to Pelegrin by the auditors is 541l. 18s. 5d., besides the above rent due yearly to Pelegrin by the Duke of Brabant and which Gettus before the Barons and Justices allowed to rank for 400m.; which subtracted from the above sum leaves 275l. 5s. 1d. due to Gettus from
Afterwards on the Saturday next before the Feast of Ascension, 21 Edward I, Gettus asks before the Barons for Pelegrin’s release on bail till the morrow of Trinity next, in order that, through common friends, an arrangement may be made between them in the matter. Two sureties are found for Pelegrin himself and the rest of his fellowship of Lucca, so that he is before the Barons on the above day in the same state.asnow. And Gettus, asked if he consents, in the full Exchequer grants and consents that Pelegrin be released on the bail aforesaid. And so Pelegrin was released till the above day, when the parties came, and Gettus, asked if Pelegrin has satisfied him of the aforesaid debt, or if they are agreed, says that Pelegrin has not satisfied him either by payment or by agreement. Therefore he is remitted to prison as before. After, at the Quindisme of Michaelmas, 21 Edward I, came the King’s writ directed to the Treasurer and Barons for Pelegrin to be delivered from prison
150until the King’s coming next to London, by virtue whereof Pelegrin found bail by 11 pledges to be before the King from day to day whenever he should be called, at the King’s will, as above. The bail to answer for the debt.
- After, at the Quindisme of 8. Martin, came Pelegrin, who in no way gave satisfaction to Gettus. Therefore he is remitted to the Fleet prison. After, on the 19th day of June, 22 Edward I, the King’s writ under his Privy Seal, dated 18 June, was directed to the Treasurer of the Exchequer directing him to deliver the body of Pelegrin of Chartres to John Duke of Brabant, to be taken with him to his own country of Brabant. For the same Duke has promised that if, when he is come to his own country, a friendly agreement can be made between the two, that. concord or peace may well stand; but if not, the Duke will cause the body of Pelegrin to be returned to its present position. By virtue of which writ the body of Pelegrin was conveyed and delivered to the said Duke in the form aforesaid.