Translation 5. Item ordinamus quod si aliqua discordia inter aliquem sffii'rotolit fratrem fvel fratrem sororem vel sororem dicte gilde fuerit toition of mota, quod ipsi stabunt arbitrio Magistri et duorum sociorum and two ad hujusmodi deputatorum. Et qui inter eos culpabilis inveniatur, alteri sufficienter faciet emendas, et si hoc neclexeritsubscriptam subiat; et bene liceat ei recuperacionem suam ubicumque poterit recuperare, concessione predicta non bstante.
Translation Item ut invalescat concordie unitas et animarum idemptitas inter nos continuetur, statuimus et ordinamus quod si que contenciones, jurgia, dissidia, lites vel rixe inter confratres vel sorores gilde nostre predicte suborte fuerint, statim custos gilde nostre predicte qui pro tempore fuerit, infra vi dies a tempore sciencie et noticie computandos, cum auxilio et consilio duorum fratrum tocius gilde seu fratemitatis nostre predicte, quos idem custos ct promotorcs qui pro tempore fuennt, virtute eorum iuramentorum, de fidelioribus et discretioribus et utrique dSspute imcrentibus duxerint eligendos, dictas rixas seu contenciones sedare studeant, omni favore et aflfeccione postpositis : et si aliqua pars fratrum nostrorum jurgancium^ seu adinvicem litigancium predictum custodem et dictes confratres ad hoc electos justificari noluerit, seu hoc tacite vel expresse recusaverit, statim eo ipso sit, infra vi dies ab eo tempore computandos, quo per custodem et dictes confratres monitus fuerit, et eorum arbitrio [justificare] noluerit seu recusaverit, in xl d. ad sustentacionem dicti luminis solvendis, per suum juramentum astrictus maneat et obligatus, omnibus aliis remediis sibi competentibus salvis ubicumque.
Original 5.We order that, if any dipsute has arisen between any brother (or sister) and another brother (or sister) of the said guild, they shall submit to the arbitration, stabunt arbitrio, of the Master and two fellows deputed for this ourpose. Whichever of them shall be found to be at fault shall make sufficient amends to the other an be subject to the penalty written below if he or she fails to do so; and the other is quite at liberty to recover whatever and whereever he or she can, notwithstanding the aforesaid concession.
Original 7. So that unity of concord may prevail and unanimity of souls continue among us, we decree and order that if conflicts, suits, differences, actions or disputes shall spring up between the brothers or sisters of our guild, the Warden of our guild for the time being shall at once, within six days reckoned from when it came to his knowledge and notice, with the held and advice of two brothers of our guild or fraternity (whom the Warden and Promoters for the time being of the whole of our guild or fraternity, by virute ofther oaths, shall present for election, being of the more faithful and discreet and indifferent to either party) shall take pains to settle the said conflicts and disputes, setting aside all bias and favour.
If either of our brothers, who are parties to the dispute or litigating against one another, is unwilling to submit to the adjudication pf the said Warden and brothers elected for this purpose, or either expressly or impliedly refuses, then within six days reckoned from the time when he was summoned by the Warden an the said brothers, and he was unwilling or refused to submit to their arbitration, he shall stand bound and obliged by his oath to pay 40 pence for the upkeep of the said light, all other appropiate remedies whatever and wherever being reserved.