Where there is doubt about the meaning of a contract term, an interpretation should be preferred that makes the contract lawful or effective ("ut res magis valeat quam pereat"; "effet utile").
Arbitral Awards
Ad Hoc-Award of May 27, 1991, YCA 1992, at 11 et seq.Ad-Hoc-Award, Kuwait v. The American Independent Oil Company (AMINOIL), 21 ILM 976ICC Award No. 3243, Clunet 1982, at 968 et seq.ICC Award No. 3380, YCA 1982, at 116 et seq. (also published in: Clunet 1981, at 928 et seq.).ICC Award No. 3460, Clunet 1981, at 939 et seq.ICC Award No. 7920, YCA 1998, at 80 et seq.ICC Award No. 8331, 10 ICC Bull. No. 2, 1999, at 65 et seq. (also published in: Clunet 1998, 1041)ICC Award No. 8365, Clunet 1997, at 1078 et seq.ICC Award No.1434, Clunet 1976, at 978 et seq.ICSID Award, AMCO Asia Corp. et al. v. The Republic of Indonesia et al., YCA 1985, at 61 et seq.ICSID Award, Asian Agricultural Products Ltd. v. The Republic of Sri Lanka, YCA 1991, at 106 et seq.The Government of the State of Kuwait v. The American Independent Oil Company (AMINOIL), YCA 1984, at 71 et seq.Court Decisions
Acquisition of Polish Nationality, P.C.I.J. Ser. B, No. 7Antonio Mastrobuono and Diana G. Mastrobouno, Petitioners, v. Sherason Lehman Hutton, Inc. et al., 115 S.Ct. 1212 (1995)BGH NJW 1993, at 1925BGH NJW 1998, 2966BGH NJW 2005, 2618BGH NJW-RR 1990, at 817 et seq.BGH, NJW 1999, 3704British-American Insurance (Kenya) Ltd v Matelec Dal & Anor, [2013] EWHC 3278 (Comm) (29 October 2013)Energy Transport Ltd. v. M.V. San Sebastian, 348 F Suppl. 2d 186Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi AS v OOO Insurance Company Chubb, [2020] UKSC 38Interpretation of Peace Treaties, ICJ Rep. 1950, at 221 et seq.Shaw Group Inc. v Triplefine International Corporation, 322 F.3d 115.Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB (Schweden) vs. Government of the Republic of Lithuania & AB Geonafta (Lithuania), in: Yearbook Comm. Arb'n XXXI (2006), at 906 et seq.Zurich Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd v B-Gold Interior Design & Construction Pte Ltd [2008] 3 SLR 1029; [2008] SGCA 27Doctrine
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Code Européen des Contrats - European Contract CodeFranco-Italian Obligation LawPrinciples of Latin American Contract Law (PLACL)The Draft Civil Code for Israel in: Siehr, Kurt/Zimmermann, Reinhard (ed.) The Draft Civil Code for Israel in comparative perspective, 2008National Legislation
Civil Code Québec 1991Czechoslovak International Trade CodeEthiopian Civil CodeFrench Civil Code 2016French Code Civil 1804GIW GDRIndonesian Civil Code (excerpts)Italian Codice CivileLouisiana Civil Code 2015Philippines Republic Act 386 (Civil Code)Spanish Código CivilPrinciples / Restatements
OHADAC principles on international commercial contractsPrinciples of European Contract Law - PECLUNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2016All provisions of the Plan and Trust shall be so construed as to render them valid and enforceable in accordance with their intent.