A party is liable for damages if it solicits a legal opinion in the case according to the agreement of the parties and the other party, who has reasonably believed in the verity of the legal opinion, suffers damages because it has performed its obligation or has made other financial dispositions.
Black, Henry Campell, Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed., St. Paul 1990Domingo, Ortega, Rodriguez-Antolin, Zambrana, Principios de Derecho Global, Navarra, 2006Fuld, James J., Legal Opinions in Business Transactions - An Attempt to Bring Some Order out of some Chaos, 28 Bus.Lawy. 1972/73, at 915 et seq.Gruson, Michael, The Remedies Opinion in International Transactions, Int‘l Bus.Lawy. 1993, at 125 et seq.Harries, Heinrich, Die Rechtsscheinshaftung für fehlerhafte Rechtsgutachten bei internationalen Verträgen, in: Festschrift Zweigert, Tübingen 1981, at 451 et seq.Jander, Klaus H. /du Mesnil de Rochement, Rudolf, Die Legal Opinion im Rechtsverkehr mit den USA, RIW 1976, at 332 et seq.Volken, Paul, Legal Opinions in International Transactions, in: Sarcevic/ Volken (eds.), International Contracts and Payments, London 1991, at 125 et seq.The Committee may engage agents to assist it and may engage legal counsel who may be counsel for the Plan Sponsor. The Committee shall not be responsible for any action taken or omitted to be taken on the advice of counsel.
Under no circumstances shall any Service Provider be obligated to provide any Service requiring an opinion, advice or representation as to which liability may be created for such Service Provider or its Affiliates due to claims from the Receiving Party or any other person or entity, including any Governmental Authority (e.g., legal opinions or advice, tax opinions or advice, compliance opinions or advice), other than such customary representations as may reasonably be required by accountants in connection with the preparation of audited financial statements.