Any communication between a client and his attorney which is made in the course of or in anticipation of legal proceedings or which relates to the giving of legal advice, i.e. the seeking of advice as to legal rights and obligations as opposed to general business matters, and which originates in a confidence that it will not be disclosed, is privileged and may not be introduced as evidence in court or arbitration proceedings.
Court Decisions
A. M. & S. Europe Ltd. v. Commission of the European Communities, (1983), Q.B. at 878 et seq.B and Others v. Auckland District Law Society and Another, (2003), 2 A.C. 736.Balabel and Another v. Air India, Court of Appeal (1988) Ch. 317Hilti Aktiengesellschaft v. Commission of the European Communities, European Court reports (1990) at II-00163Joined Cases T-125/03 R and T-253/03 R, Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd and Akcros Chemicals Ltd v Commission of the European Communities, Order of the President of the Court of First Instance, 30 October 2003, available at: http://eur-lex.europa.euOLG München I, Urt. v. 18.12.79 - 32 O 1334/79 at 197 et seq.Regina v. Derby Magistrates Court, Ex parte B., Same v. Same, Ex parte Same, (1996) A.C. 487The NCK Organization LTD. and William E. Greene, Jr., Appellees, v. Walter W. Bregman, Appellant, 542 F.2d 128Three Rivers District Council and Others v. Governor and Company of the Bank of England (2005) A.C. 610United States of America v. Philip Morris Inc. and others, British American Tobacco (Investment) Limited, (2003) EWHC 3028United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corporation, (1950) 89 F.Supp. 357Upjohn Company et al., Petitioners, v. United States et al., 449 U.S. 383Doctrine
Amber Stevens, An Analysis of the troubling Issues surrounding In-House Counsel and the Attorney-Client Privilege, Hamline Law Review 298, 1999Berger, Evidentiary Privileges: Best Practice Standards versus/ and Arbitral Discretion, Arb. Int 22 (2006), at 501 et seq.Burkard, Peter H., Attorney-Client Privilege in the EEC: The Perspective if Multinational Corporate Counsel, 20 Int'l Law 677Conflict of Laws and the Attorney-Client Privilege: A Territorial Solution, Steven Bradford, University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 1991, at 909 et seq.Domingo, Ortega, Rodriguez-Antolin, Zambrana, Principios de Derecho Global, Navarra, 2006Eichler, F. H./Peukert, W., Vertraulichkeit der Rechtsberatung durch Syndikusanwälte und EMRK, AnwBl 2002 at 189 et seq.Fabian von Schlabrendorff / Audley Sheppard, Conflict of Legal Privileges in International Arbitration: An Attempt to Find a Holistic Solution, in: Aksen et al., Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution, Liber Amicorum in honour of Robert Briner, Paris 2005.Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration (edited by Emmanuel Gaillard and John Savage) The Hague 1999Henssler/Prütting (eds), Kommentar zur Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, Munich 2004 , § 46, paras 19, 24Kleine-Cosack, Michael, Neuordnung des anwaltlichen Berufsrechts, NJW 1994, 2249 et seq.Knoblach, Steffen: Sachverhaltsermittlung in der internationalen Wirtschaftsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Berlin 2003.Meyer-Hauser et al, Attorney Secrecy v Attorney-Client Privilege in International Commercial Arbitration, in: 73 Arbitration, London 2007, at 143 et seq.Meyer-Hauser, Bernhard F.: Das Anwaltsgeheimnis. Anwaltsgeheimnis und Schiedsgericht, Zürich u.a., 2004.Redeker, Konrad, Der Syndikusanwalt als Rechtsanwalt, NJW 2004, 889 et seq.Roxin, Claus, Das Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht des Syndikusanwalts, in: NJW 1992, at 1129 et seq.Principles / Restatements
Sourgens, Frédéric G./Duggal, Kabir/Laird,Ian A., Evidence in International Investment Arbitration (2018), Appendix I: Evidentiary Principles in Investor-State Arbitration, atp p. 291 et seq.