Prima facie evidence, which is based on a typical set of facts that, according to the general experience of life, justifies the assumption of a certain cause or consequence, is admissible ("res ipsa loquitur").
Court Decisions
BGH WM 2004, 2309Giant Food, Inc v Washington Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc, 332 A.2d 1Leikach v Royal Crown Bottling Company of Baltimore Inc., 276 A2d. 81Melvin C. Foster v Union Starch & Refining Co, 137 N.E.2d 499Scott v The London and St. Katherine Docks Company, 159 E.R. 665 (1865)Doctrine
Buciek, Klaus D., Beweislast und Anscheinsbeweis im internationalen Recht. "Eine Untersuchung zum Grundsatz des Verfahrens nach eigenem Recht", Bonn 1984Domingo, Ortega, Rodriguez-Antolin, Zambrana, Principios de Derecho Global, Navarra, 2006Kersley, R.H., M.A., LL.M./ Broom, Herbert, LL.D., A Selection of Legal Maxims, 10th ed. London, 1939Liebs, Detlef, Lateinische Rechtsregeln und Rechtssprichwörter, 4th ed., Munich 1986Pawlowski, Enka, Der Prima-Facie-Beweis bei Schadensersatzansprüchen aus Delikt und Vertrag, Göttingen, 1966.Rommé, Oliver, Der Anscheinsbeweis im Gefüge von Beweiswürdigung, Beweismaß und Beweislast, 1989, Cologne, Berlin, Bonn, Munich. (Prütting, Prozeßrechtliche Abhandlungen, Volume 71)Unless manifestly erroneous, the certificate, advice or bill of the appropriate official designated by law to make or issue the same or to receive payment or any Imposition, which such certificate, advice or bill indicates the nonpayment of such Imposition, shall be prima facie evidence that such Imposition is due and unpaid at the time of the making or issuance of such certificate, advice or bill.