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The TransLex-Principles are a systematic online-collection of principles and rules of transnational commercial law with commentaries and comparative law references. They are being used by international legal practice, academics and participants of moot court competitions in international arbitration across the globe. Read more.
Chapter I: General provisions
Section 1: Good faith, forfeiture, abuse of rights and interpretation of the Principles
Section 2: Reasonableness; trade usages; professional competence
Section 3: Transfer of rights; lex specialis
Chapter II: Agency
Chapter III: Set-off; assignment
Chapter IV: Contract
Section 1: General principles
Section 2: Conclusion of contract
Section 3: Contracting under standard terms
Section 4: Form requirements; language
Section 5: Interpretation
Section 6: Contractual obligations
Section 7: Invalidity of contract
Section 8: Precontractual liability
Chapter V: Performance
Section 1: General Principles
Section 2: Payment of money debts
Chapter VI: Non-Performance
Chapter VII: Damages
Chapter VIII: Hardship
Chapter IX: Unjust enrichment / restitution
Chapter X: Maritime transport
Chapter XI: Corporations
Chapter XII: Expropriation
Chapter XIII: Proof, means of evidence
Chapter XIV: International arbitration
Section 1: Arbitration agreement
Section 2: Arbitral tribunal
Section 3: Arbitral procedure
Section 4: Award; termination of proceedings
Section 5: Confidentiality
Chapter XV: Private international law
A project of CENTRAL, University of Cologne.