61Holding that the Convention applies to a set-off of claims arising out of the same contract that is itself governed by the CISG: BGH, 24 September 2014, CISG-online 2545, note 54 et seq, NJW 2015, 867; OLG München, 19 October 2006, CISG-online 1394, note 3, IHR 2007, 30, 32 et seq; OLG Düsseldorf, 21 Aprifl 2004, CISG-online 915, note II.2, IHR 2005, 24 (impliciter); OLG Hamburg, 26 November 1999, CISG-online 515, note I.b), IHR 2001, 19; KGer Zug, 14 December 2009, CISG-online 2026, note 12, SZIER 2011, 544. For case law holding that set-off is governed by the applicable domestic law, cf OLG Köln, 19 May 2008, CISG-online 1700, IHR 2008, 26; Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Badalona, 22 May 2006, CISG-online 1391; HGer St Gallen, 3 December 2002, CISG-online 727, IHR 2003, 181, SZIER 2003, 107; Polimeles Protodikio Athinon, 4505/2009, CISG-online 2228, note 2.2.6; Trib Padova, 25 February 2004, CISG-online 819, IHR 2005, 31; LG Mönchengladbach, 15 July 2003, CISG-online 813, note II.2, IHR 2003, 229, 230.
62In favour of the view expressed here: CISG-AC, Op 9 Bridge, Opinion 3.3, Comment 3.24; Magnus, Aufrechnung, pp 209, 221 et seq; Staudinger/Magnus, Art 81, para 15; CL Witz, D 2015, 881, 887; Kröll, (2005) 25 J L èr Com 39, 52, 53; Honsell/Weber, ARt 81, para 19; Brunner/Zuber, Art 81, para 6; Bamberger/Roth/Saenger, Art 4, para 19 (only with regard to set-off in the context of restitution); Saenger/Sauthoff, IHR 2005, 189, 190. For the opposite view, see, eg 6th German edition of this work, Art 4, para 39; Ferrari et all/Ferrari, Int VertragsR, Art 81, para 20; Ferrari, (2003) 7 VJ63, 88; Bianca/Bonell/Tallon, Art. 81, notes 2.6, 2.7; Honnold/Flechtner, Art 81, para 444; MünchKomm/P Huber, Art. 81, para 13; Förster, NJW 2015, 830, 831 et seq.
63See Schlechtriem/Schroeter, para 199, who hold that a set-off should always be governed by the applicable domestic law, even if both claims are subject to the Convention, because it would not be possible to derive a general principle from the CISG to solve all questions in connection with a set-off. Cf also Honnold/Flechtner para 444A in fine; 6th German version of this work, Art 4, para 39.
64BGH, 24 September 2014, CISG-online 2545, note 58, NJW 2015, 867; Magnus, Aufrechnung, pp 209, 221 et seq.
65Cf only Arts 14 et seq, 26 (in contrast to the previous avoidance of contract ipso facto), 39, 48 (2)-(4), 65, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 85-88.