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Philippe Kahn Bibliography on Transnational Law
1037 entries
Academy of European Private Lawyers - Code Européen des contrats - Avant-Projet, livre premier/1, Milan 2001
Akademie für Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften der DDR, Institut für ausländisches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung - Internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz: Grundzüge einer wissenschaftlichen Konzeption des allgemeinen Teils der rechtlichen Regelung internationaler Wirtschaftsverträge zwischen den Organisationen der Mitgliedsländer des RGW, Potsdam-Babelsberg 1986
Aleinikoff, T Alexander - Transnational Spaces: Norms and Legitimacy, 33 Yale Journal of International Law, 2008, at 479 et seq.
Aman Jr, Alfred C. - The Limits of Globalization and the Future of Administrative Law: From Government to Governance, 8 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 2001, at 379 et seq.
Amstutz, Marc/Karavas, Vaios - Weltrecht: Ein Derridasches Monster, in: Soziologische Jurisprudenz, Festschrift für Gunther Teubner, Berlin 2009, at 645 et seq.
Anzola, J. Eloy - Reseña Histórica del Arbitraje Comercial en Venezuela in: Estudios con motivo de los 15 años de la Ley de Arbitraje Comercial Caracas, 2013, pp 19-86
Appelbaum, Richard P./Felstiner, William L.F./Gessner, Volkmar - Rules and Networks. The Legal Culture of Global Business Transactions, Oxford 2001
Arenas, Lorena Carvajal - Good Faith in the Lex Mercatoria: An Analysis of Arbitral Practice and Major Western Legal Systems, Portsmouth 2011
Atest - Testbib
Atiyah, Patrick S. - An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 5th ed., Oxford 1995.
Atiyah, Patrick S. - The Rise and Fall of Freedom Contract, Oxford University Press, 1979
Béraudo, Jean-Paul - Les Principes d'Unidroit relatifs au droit du commerce international, La Semaine Juridique, 1995, I (3842), at 189 et seq.
Bälz, Kilian - Islamic Law as Governing Law under the Rome Convention. Universalist Lex Mercatoria v. Regional Unification of Law, Unif.L.Rev. 2001, at 37 et seq.
Bamodu, Gbenga - Extra-National Legal Principles in the Global Village: A Conceptual Examination of Transnational Law, Int'l A.L.R. 2001, at 6 et seq.
Bamodu, Gbenga - Exploring the Interrelationships of Transnational Commercial Law, "The New Lex Mercatoria" and International Commercial Arbitration, The African Journal of International and Comparative Law 1998, at 31 et seq.
Bar, Christian von - Internationales Privatrecht, Volume 1, München 1987
Bärmann, Johannes - Ist internationales Handelsrecht kodifizierbar?, in: Flume (ed.), Festschrift F. A. Mann, Munich 1977, at 547 et seq.
Bart, Jean - La Lex Mercatoria au Moyen-Age: mythe ou réalité?, in: Leben/Loquin/Salem (eds.) Souveraineté Étatique et Marchés Internationaux à la Fin du 20ème Siècle - Mélanges en l'honneur de Philippe Kahn, 2000, 18
Basedow, Jürgen - Komplexität der Wirtschaft, Allokation des Wissens und privates Privatrecht, in: Callies, Gralf-Peter (ed.), Transnationales Recht - Stand und Perspektiven, Tübingen 2014, at 141 et seq.
Basedow, Jürgen - Lex Mercatoria und Internationales Schuldvertragsrecht - Eine rechtsökonomische Skizze, in: Berger, Klaus Peter, Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrecht im europäischen und globalen Kontext : Festschrift für Norbert Horn zum 70. Geburtstag = Private and commercial law in a European and global context, Berlin 2006, at 229 et seq.
Basile, Mary Elizabeth/Bestor, Jane Fair/Coquillette, Daniel R./Donahue, Charles - Lex Mercatoria and Legal Pluralism: A Late Thriteenth-Century Treatise and its Afterlife, Cambridge 1998
Baxter, Ian - International Conflict of Laws and International Business, in: Int`l & Comp.L.Q., 1985, at 538 et seq.
Behrens, Peter - Die Europäisierung des Gesellschaftsrechts, 84 GmbHR 1993, at 129 et seq.
Benditt, Theodore M. - Law as Rule and Principle, Stanford 1978
Benson, Bruce L. - The Lex Mercatoria Story: How Romantic Is It?, in: Peer Zumbansen and Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Law, Economics and Evolutionary Theory, Cheltenham 2010
Benson, Bruce L. - The Enterprise of Law, Justice without the State, San Francisco, 1990
Benson, Bruce L. - The Spontaneous Evolution of Commercial Law, 55 Southern Economic Journal 1989, at 644 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter/Erdely, Olivia - 'Force Majeure in International Contract Law - A Comment on National Oil Corporation v Sun Oil', in: Wautelet/Kruger/Coppens (eds.), The Practice of Arbitration - Essays in Honour of Hans van Houtte, Oxford 2012, p. 61 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Codification of the New Lex Mercatoria through the Internet: The TransLex Principles at, in: Weiler/Baetens (eds.) New Directions in International Economic Law, In Memoriam Thomas Wälde, 2011, at 79 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Die Neue Lex Mercatoria, Ist Transnationales Wirtschaftsrecht kodifizierbar?, in: Bumke/Röthel (eds.) Privates Recht, Tübingen 2010, at 119 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Globalisierung - vom Wettbewerb der Rechtsordnungen zu "Private Governance", in: Bierbaum (ed.), So investiert die Welt, Wiesbaden 2007, at 33 et seq;
Berger, Klaus Peter - European Private Law, Lex Mercatoria and Globalisation, in: Hartkamp/Hesselink/Hondius et al. (eds.) Towards a European Civil Code, 3rd ed., Nijmegen 2004, at 43 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - The CENTRAL-List of Principles, Rules and Standards of Transnational Commercial Law, in: Berger (ed.), CENTRAL Practice and Study Guides, Vol. 1: Transnational Law in Commercial Legal Practice, Münster 1999, at 121 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Die Schleichende Kodifizierung des Transnationalen Wirschaftsrechts, in: Internationale Juristenvereinigung Osnabrück (ed.), Jahresheft 1998/99, at 1 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Formalisierte oder "schleichende" Kodifizierung des Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, Zu den Methodischen und Praktischen Grundlagen der Lex Mercatoria, Berlin, New York 1996
Berger, Klaus Peter - Die neuen UNIDROIT-Grundregeln für Internationale Handelsverträge, Indiz für ein transnationales Wirtschaftsrecht?, 94 ZVglRWiss 1995, at 217 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Lex Mercatoria in der internationalen Wirtschaftsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Der Fall "Companía Valenciana", 13 IPRax 1993, at 281 et seq.
Berger, Klaus Peter - Internationale Wirtschaftsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Berlin, New York 1992
Berman, Harold J./Dasser, Felix J. - The "New" Law Merchant and the "Old": Sources, Content, and Legitimacy, in: Carbonneau (ed.), Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration, 2nd ed., The Hague 1998, at 53 et seq.
Berman, Harold J. - The Role of International Law in the Twenty-First Century, Fordham International Law Journal 1995, at 1617 et seq.
Berman, Harold J. - The Law of International Commercial Transactions (Lex Mercatoria), Emory Journal of International Dispute Resolution 1988, at 235 et seq
Berman, Harold J./Stansfield, Robert H. - Letters of Indemnity in Arbitration, Emory Journal of International Dispute Resolution 1987, at 275 et seq
Berman, Harold J. - Mercantile Law, in: Berman (ed.) Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, Cambridge 1983, at 333 et seq.
Berman, Harold J./Kaufman - Colin, The Law of International Commercial Transactions (Lex Mercatoria), 19 Harv.Int'l L.J. 1978, at 221 et seq.
Berman, Paul Schiff - Towards A Cosmopolitan Vision Of Conflict Of Laws: Redefining Governmental Interests In A Global Era, 153 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2005, at 1819 et seq.
Berman, Paul Schiff - The Globalization of Jurisdiction, 151 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2002, at 311 et seq.
Bernardini, Piero - Is the Duty to Cooperate in Long-term Contracts a Substantive Transnational Rule in International Commercial Arbitration?, in: Gaillard (ed.), Transnational Rules in International Commercial Arbitration, Paris 1993 (ICC Publ. Nr. 480/4), at 137 et seq.
Bernardini, Piero - Adaption of Contracts in: Sanders (ed.), ICCA Congress ser. no. 1, Deventer, Boston, London 1983, at 211 et seq.
Bernini, Giorgio - Adaptation of Contracts, in: Sanders (ed.), ICCA Congress ser. no.1, Deventer, Boston, London 1983, at 193 et seq.
Bernini, Giorgio - Les Techniques Permettant de Resoudre les Problèmes qui Surgissent lors de la Formation et de l'Exécution des Contrats à Long Terme, Rev.d.Arb. 1975, at 18 et seq.
Bernstein, Lisa - Private Commercial Law in the Cotton Industry: Creating Cooperation Through Rules, Norms, and Institutios, 99 Michigan Law Review, 2001, at 1724 et seq.
Bernstein, Lisa - Merchant Law in a Merchant Court: Rethinking the Code's Search for Immanent Business Norms, 144 U. PA. L. Rev. 1996, at 1765 et seq.
Bernstein, Lisa - Opting out of the Legal System: Extralegal Contractual Relations in the Diamond Industry, 21 Journal of Legal Studies, 1992, at 115 et seq.
Bewes, Wyndham A. - The Romance of the Law Merchant, London 1923
Black, Julia/Rouch, David - The development of global markets as rule-makers: engagement and legitimacy, Law and Financial Markets Review, 2008, at 218 et seq.
Blackman, M. S. - Mercantile Law and Mercantile Practice, Cape Town 1985
Blase, Friedrich - Die Grundregeln des Europäischen Vertragsrechts als Recht grenzüberschreitender Verträge, Münster 2001
Blaurock, Uwe - The Law of Transational Commerce, in Franco Ferrari (ed): The Unification of International Commercial Law, Baden-Baden, 1998, 9
Boele-Woelki, Katharina - Die Anwendung der UNIDROIT-Principles auf internationale Handelsverträge, 17 IPRax 1997, at 161 et seq.
Boer, Ted M. de - The Relation between Uniform Substantive Law and Private International Law, in: Hartkamp/Hesselink/Hondius/du Perron/Vranken (eds.), Towards a European Civil Code, Nijmwegen, Dordrecht, Boston, London 1994, at 51 et seq.
Boguslavsky, Mark M. - L'Etat en tant que Partie a des Contrats de Concession ou d'Investissement Conclus avec des Sociétés Privées Etrangères, in: UNIDROIT (ed.), New Directions in International Trade Law, 2 Vols., New York 1977, at 307 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - An International Restatement of Contract Law - The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, 3rd ed., New York 2005
Bonell, Michael Joachim - UNIDROIT Principles 2004 - A Further Step Towards a Global Contract Law, Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal, 2004, at 49 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - The UNIDROIT Principles as a Means of Interpreting and Supplementing International Uniform Law, in: ICC Bull. 2002, Special Supplement, at 29 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - Creating International Legislation for the Twenty-First Century: Do We Need a Global Commercial Code?. 106 Dickinson Law Review, 2001a, at 87 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - Introduction to UNIDROIT Principles, in: Berger (ed.), CENTRAL Practice and Study Guides, Vol. 1: Transnational Law in Commercial Legal Practice, Münster 1999, at 7 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - UNIDROIT Principles and the Lex Mercatoria, in: Carbonneau (ed.), Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration, 2nd ed., The Hague 1998, at 249 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the Principles of European Contract Law: A Comparison, in: Making Commercial Law, Essays in Honour of Roy Goode, Oxford 1997, at 91 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - Die UNIDROIT Prinzipien der internationalen Handelsverträge: Eine neue Lex Mercatoria?, 37 ZRVgl. 1996, at 152 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - Übernationales Recht des internationalen Handels, ZEuP 1993, at 247 et seq.
Bonell, Michael Joachim - Das autonome Recht des Welthandels - rechtsdogmatische und rechtspolitische Aspekte, RabelsZ 42 (1978), at 485 et seq.
Borchers, Patrick J. - The Triumph of Substantive over Rules of Choice in International Commercial Transactions: From the Lex Mercatoria to Modern Standards, in: Raisch/Shaffer (eds.), Introduction to Transnational Legal Transactions, New York, London, Rome 1995, at 139 et seq.
Bortolotti, Fabio - Vers une Nouvelle Lex Mercatoria de L'Agence Commerciale Internationale? Le Modèle de Contrat D'Agence de la CCI, RDAI 1995 at 685 et seq.
Boutin, Gilberto Icanza - Derecho Internacional Privado, Panamá 2002, at 659 et seq
Boutin, Gilberto Icaza - Lex Mercatoria: Fundamento Y Apreciación en el Derecho Internacional Privado Panameno, in: Avances del Derecho Internacional Privado en América Latina - Liber amicorum Jürgen Samtleben, Montevideo 2002, at 287 et seq.
Bradley, Caroline - Private International Law-Making for the Financial Markets, 29 Fordham International Law Journal. 2005, at 127 et seq.
Braithwaite, John/Drahos, Peter - Global Business Regulation, Cambridge 2000
Brazil, Patrick - UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in the Context of International Commercial Arbitration, 11 Mealey's Int'l.Arb.Rep. 1996, April, at 31 et seq
Breitenstein, Detlev von - Rechtsordnung und "lex mercatoria": Zur vergeblichen Suche nach "anationalen Recht" für die internationale Arbitrage, in: Festschrift für Otto Sandrock zum 70. Geburtstag (Berger, Ebke, Großfeld, Kühne, eds.), Heidelberg 2000
Broglia Mendes, Rodrigo Octávio - A Private Transnational Law to Transnational Legal Regimes?, in: Calliess et al. (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenz, Festschrift für Gunther Teubner, Berlin 2009, at 828 et seq.
Brunner, Christoph - Force Majeure and Hardship under General Contract Principles, Exemption for Non-Performance in International Arbitration, Austin, Boston, Chicago, New York, The Netherlands, 2009
Bureau, Dominique - Les sources informelles du droit dans les relations privées internationales, Thesis, University of Paris II, 1992
Burkart, Fabian - Interpretatives Zusammenwirken von CISG und UNIDROIT Principles, Baden-Baden 2000
Béguin, Jacques - Le développement de la lex mercatoria menace-t-il l'ordre juridique international?, McGill L.J. 1985, at 478 et seq.
Caemmerer, Ernst von/Schlechtriem, Peter - Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht - das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über den internationalen Warenkauf; CISG-Kommentar, 3nd ed., Munich 2000
Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration - A Newsletter of CRCICA, Issue No. 4, January 1997, Cairo 1997
Calliess, Gralf-Peter/Maurer, Andreas - Transnationales Recht - eine Einleitung, in: Callies, Gralf-Peter (ed.), Transnationales Recht - Stand und Perspektiven, Tübingen 2014, at 1 et seq.
Calliess, Gralf-Peter/Zumbansen, Peer - Rough Consensus and Running Code, A Theory of Transnational Private Law, Oxford 2010
Calliess, Gralf-Peter/Renner, Moritz - Between Law and Social Norms: The Evolution of Global Governance, Ratio Juris 2009, at 260 et seq.
Calliess, Gralf-Peter - The Making of Transnational Contract Law, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 2007, at 469 et seq.
Calliess, Gralf-Peter - Transnationales Handelsvertragsrecht: Private Ordnung und staatlicher Rahmen, in: Zangl/Zürn (eds.), Verrechtlichung - Baustein für Global Governance? Bonn 2004, at 160 et seq.
Calliess, Gralf-Peter - Reflexive Transnational Law. The Privatisation of Civil Law and the Civilisation of Private Law, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 2002, at 185 et seq.
Calliess, Gralf-Peter and others - Transformations of Commercial Law. New Forms of Legal Certainty for Globalised Exchange Processes?, in: Hurrelman/Leibfried/Martens/Mayer (eds.), Transforming the Golden Age Nation State, Basingstoke 2007, at 83 et seq.
Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm - Die Stellung der "UNIDROIT Principles" und der "Principles of European Contract Law" im System der Rechtsquellen, in: Basedow, Jürgen (ed.), Europäische Vertragsrechtsvereinheitlichung und deutsches Recht, Tübingen 2000, at 5 et seq
Caprioli, Eric A./Sorieul, Renaud - Le Commerce International Electronique: vers l'Emergence des Règles Juridiques Transnationales, 124 Clunet 1997, at 323 et seq.
Carbonneau, Thomas E. - Diversity or Cacophony?: New Sources of Norms in International Law, 25 Mich.J.Int'l.L. 2004, at 1183 et seq.
Carbonneau, Thomas E. - The Remaking of Arbitration: Design and Destiny, in: Carbonneau (ed.), Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration, 2nd ed., The Hague 1998, at 23 et seq.
Carbonneau, Thomas E. - Etude historique et comarée de l`arbitrage : vers un droit matériel de l`arbitrage international fondé sur la motivation des sentences, in : Rev.Int.Dr.Comp., 1984, at 760 et seq., Tex.Int`l L.J., 1984, at 33 et seq.
Carreau, Dominique/Flory, Thiébaut/Juillard, Patrick - Droit International Economique, Paris 1978
Caruso, Daniela - Private Law and State-Making in the Age of Globalization, 38 N.Y.U.J.Int'l.L.&Pol. (2006), at 1 et seq.
Cashin Ritaine, Eleanor/Lein, Eva - The UNIDROIT Principles 2004. Their Impact on Contractual Practice, Jurisprudence and Codification. Reports of the ISCD Colloquium (8/9 June 2006), Zürich 2007
CENTRAL - Transnational Law in Commercial Legal Practice, CENTRAL Practice and Study Guides, Vol. 1, Münster 1999
Cerina, Paolo - Interest as Damages in International Commercial Arbitration, Am.Rev.Int'l Arb. 1993, at 255 et seq.
Chen, Jim - Pax Mercatoria: Globalization as a Second Chance at "Peace for our Time", Fordham Int'l.L.J. 2000, at 217 et seq.
Chitty, Joseph - Chitty On Contracts Vol. 1 & 2, 27th ed., London 1994
Chukwumerije, Okezie - Economic Globalization: The Challenge for Arbitrators, Choice of Law in International Commercial Arbitration, Vand.J.Transnat'l.L. 1995, at 173 et seq.
Ciurtin, Horia - A Quest for Deterritorialisation: The “New” Lex Mercatoria in International Arbitration, Arbitration: The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management Volume 85 Issue 2 May 2019
Ciurtin, Horia - O Perspectivă hermeneutică asupra principiului ‘minimizării aunelor’: Metamorfoza unui concept în dreptul internaţional, Revista Romana de Arbitraj (Romanian Journal of Arbitration) 2017, p. 70 et seq
Clagett, Bruce M. - Present State of the International Law of Compensation for Expropriated Property and Repudiated State Contracts, in: The Southwestern Legal Foundation (ed.), Private Investors Abroad, Dallas 1989, at 12-1 et seq.
Coing, Helmut - La Détermination de la Loi Contractuelle en Droit International Privé Allemand, in: Klein/Vischer (eds.), Colloque de Bâle sur la Loi Régissant les Obligations Contractuelles, Basel, Frankfurt a.M., 1983, at 29 et seq.
Coing, Helmut - Materielles Recht und Verfahrensrecht in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, in: Coing/Ellwood/Fouchard/Waehler/Vondracek/ Koschucharoff/Lando/Migliazza (eds.), Materielles Recht und Verfahrensrecht in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Frankfurt a.M. 1972, at 9 et seq.
Commissione reale per la Riforma dei Codici - Commission Française d'Etudes de L'Union Legislative entre les Nations Alliées et Amies - Projet de Code des Obligations et des Contrats, Rome 1928
Cooter, Robert D. - Decentralized Law for a Complex Economy: The Structural Approach to Adjudicating the New Law Merchant, U.Pa.L.Rev. 1996, at 1643 et seq.
Cooter, Robert D. - "Structural Adjudication and the New Law Merchant: A Model for Decentralisation", (1994) 14 International Review of Law and Economics 215
Coquillette, Daniel R. - "Mourning Venice and Genoa": Joseph Story, Legal Education and the Lex Mercatoria, in: Piergiovanni (ed.) From lex mercatoria to commercial law
Coquillette, Daniel R. - Incipit Lex Mercatoria, Que, Quando, Ubi, Inter Quos Et De Quibus Sit. El Tratado De Lex Mercatoria En El Little Red Book De Brístol (ca. 1280 AD), in: Petit (ed.), Del Ius Mercatorum Al Derecho Mercantil, Madrid 1997, at 143 et seq.
Cordero-Moss, Guiditta - The Transnational Law of Contracts: What it Can and What it Cannot Achieve, in: Weiler/Baetens (eds.) New Directions in International Economic Law, In Memoriam Thomas Wälde, Leiden 2011, S. 45-78
Cordes, Albrecht - À la recherche d'une Lex Mercatoria au Moyen Age, in: Monnet/Oexle (eds.), Stadt und Recht im Mittelalter/La ville et le droit au Moyen Age, Göttingen 2003, at 118 et seq.
Cordes, Albrecht - Auf der Suche nach der Rechtswirklichkeit der mittelalterlichen Lex mercatoria, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 2001, at 168 et seq.
Cremades, Bernardo/Plehn, Steven L. - The New "Lex Mercatoria" and the Harmonization of the Laws of International Commercial Transactions, B.U.Int'l.L.J. 1984, at 317 et seq.
Cremades, Bernardo - The Impact of International Arbitration on the Development of Business Law, Chicago-Kent L.Rev. 1983, at 526 et seq.
Cremades, Bernardo - Multinational Companies and International Commercial Arbitration, in: Horn (ed.), Legal Problems of Codes of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises, Deventer, Antwerp, Boston, London, Frankfurt a.M. 1980, at 83 et seq.
Creveld, Martin van - The Rise and Decline of the State, Cambrigde 1999
Crook, John R. - Applicable Law In International Commercial Arbitration: The Iran-US-Claims Tribunal Experience, 83 AJIL 1989, at 278 et seq.
Cutler, Claire - Private Power and Global Authority: Transnational Merchant Law in the Global Political Economy, Cambridge 2003
DAFCO - Code Civil du Québec, Commentaires du Ministre de la Justice, Montréal 1993
Dalhuisen, Jan H. - What Could the Selection by the Parties of English Law in a Civil Law Contract in Commerce and Finance Truly Mean?, in: Andenas/Fairgrieve (eds.), Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law, A Liber Amicorum, Oxford 2009, at 619 et seq.
Dalhuisen, Jan H. - Legal Orders and Their Manifestation: The Operation of the International Commercial and Financial Legal Order and Its Lex Mercatoria, 24 Berk J Intl L (2006) at 129 et seq.
Dalhuisen, Jan. H. - Custom and its Revival in Transnational Private Law, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 2008, at 339 et seq.
Daniels, Detlef von - The Concept of Law from a Transnational Perspective (Applied Legal Philosophy), Farnham 2010
Dasser, Felix - Mouse or Monster? Some Facts and Figures on the lex mercatoria, in: Zimmermann et al (eds.) Globalisierung und Entstaatlichung des Rechts, Tübingen 2008, at 129 et seq.
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Dasser, Felix - Lex mercatoria: Werkzeug der Praktiker oder Spielzeug der Lehre?, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht 1991, at 299 et seq.
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De Ly, Filip J.M. - Lex Mercatoria (New Law Merchant): Globalization and International Self-Regulation, in: Appelbaum/Felstiner/Gessner (eds.), Rules and Networks, The Legal Culture of Global Business Transactions, Oxford 2001, at 159 et seq.
De Ly, Filip J.M. - Lex Mercatoria (New Law Merchant): Globalization and International Self-Regulation, Diritto del Commercio Internazionale 2000, at 555 et seq.
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Delbrück Jost - Prospects for a "world (internal) law"?: Legal developments in a changing international system, 9 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 2002, at 401 et seq.
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Delden, R. van - De Lex Mercatoria, nog eens bekeken, in: Tot Persistit!, Arnhem 1992, at 39 et seq.
Derains, Yves - Transnational Law in ICC Arbitration, in: Berger (ed.), The Practice of Transnational Law, The Hague, London, Boston 2001, at 43 et seq.
Derains, Yves - Le Statut des Usages du Commerce International devant les Jurisdictions Arbitrales, Rev.d.Arb 1973, at 122 et seq.
Dezalay, Yves/Garth, Bryant - Dealing in Virtue, International Commercial Arbitration and the Construction of a Transnational Legal Order, Chicago 1996
Dicke, Klaus - Völkerrecht und Internationales Privatrecht in einem sich globalisierenden internationalem System - Auswirkung der Entstaatlichung transnationaler Rechtsbeziehungen, Heidelberg 2000
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Domingo, Rafael/Ortega, Javier/Rogríguez-Antolin, Beatriz/Zambrana, Nicolás - Principios de Derecho Global. 1000 reglas, principios y aforismos jurídicos comentados, 2nd ed. 2006, at 31 et seq.
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Douglas, Michael - The Lex Mercatoria and the Culture of Transnational Industry, 13 U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. (2006), at 367 et seq.
Draetta,Ugo/Lake, Ralph B./Nanda, Ved P. - Breach and Adaptation of International Contracts, An Introduction to Lex Mercatoria, New Hampshire 1992
Drobnig, Ulrich - Assessing Arbitral Autonomy in European Statutory Law, in: Carbonneau (ed.), Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration, 2nd ed., The Hague 1998, at 195 et seq.
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A project of CENTRAL, University of Cologne.