The lord King dispatched his writ to the mayor and sheriffs of London in these words, etc. :
Edward by the grace of God, ete., to the mayor and sheriffs of London, greeting. We have gathered from the grievous complaint of Ralph Hardel that although [for] thirty and two pounds (which of late he had recognized before Ralph of Sandwich, then keeper of our city of London, and John of Bakewell, deputed to receive recognizances of debts in the same city, that he owed to Reymund de Nevile and Arnald de Squinat to be paid at a certain term now past), he long since, according to the form of our Statute put forth concerning recognizances of debts for merchants, fully satisfied the beforementioned Reymund and Arnald and had sufficient quittances thereof, the same Reymund and Arnald procured the before-mentioned Ralph to be taken by you, by virtue of the Statute aforesaid, and detaimed maliciously and against the form of the same Statute in our prison of Newgate for a long time after the satisfaction aforesaid ; wherefore we ordered you that after inspecting the quittances aforesaid, if by inspection of the same or by other legitimate method you should be able to establish that satisfaction has been given according to the form of the Statute aforesaid to the before-mentioned Reymund and Arnald, as is promised, you shall according to the tenor of our mandates aforesaid directed to you therein cause him, Ralph, to be delivered from the prison aforesaid, without delay, as would be just, or signify to us wherefore you would not or ought not to have executed our mandates many times directed to you therein. And you, giving small attention to our mandates aforesaid, have not cared as yet to deliver the aforesaid Ralph from prison or to signify to us the cause wherefore you were not willing or should not do this, although he has been long prepared to show reasonably before you that he has satisfied the beforementioned Reymund and Arnald for the debt aforesaid, whereby in the form of that Statute, he had to be delivered from the prison aforesaid, in manifest contempt of us and our mandates aforesaid and to the no small loss and grievance of him, Ralph—at which we are much surprised and moved. And because we are unwilling for him, Ralph, to be unduly op- pressed against the form of the Statute aforesaid, we yet order that you shall cause as well the beforementioned Ralph as the aforesaid Reymund and Arnald to come before you; and after hearing their reasonings on both sides, if by the quittances aforesaid or by other legitimate means it can be established that satisfaction has been given by the before-mentioned Ralph to the same Reymund and Arnald
17in respect of the aforesaid debt, as is aforesaid, then you were to cause him, Ralph, to be delivered from the prison aforesaid without delay, according to the tenor of our mandates aforesaid directed to you therein, or else that you yourselves are to be before us in the Octaves of S. Michael, wheresoever we shall then be in England, to show wherefore you have contempned to execute our mandates aforesaid. And you are to have there this writ. Witness myself at Canterbury, the 11th day of July in the 27th year of our reign.
By which mandate as well Ralph Hardel as the aforesaid Reymund and Arnald were premonished according to the form of the writ aforesaid.
And Ralph comes and is asked if he may have on his behalf or can say anything against the Statute aforesaid, wherefore he ought not to pay the aforesaid 32l. to the before-mentioned Reymund and Arnald, as is aforesaid, etc. And Ralph comes and shows in court here a certain quittance under the names of the aforesaid Reymund and Arnald, in which is contained that the same’ Reymund and Arnald have remitted and quitclaimed to the before-mentioned Ralph Hardel all sorts of actions and demands which they had or in any other legitimate manner might have in the aforesaid thirty and two pounds (which lately, before Ralph of Sandwich and John of Bakewell deputed to accept recognizances of debts in the same city he had recognized that he owed to the aforesaid Reymund and Arnald, to be paid at a certain term now passed, according to the form of the Statute aforesaid, etc.Which quittance, indeed, was seen in the court here, which testifies this) and he seeks that he may be delivered from the prison aforesaid, inasmuch as he himself has shown a quittance in respect of the aforesaid
debt sufficiently, etc. And the aforesaid Arnald does not come; and Reymund says that the aforesaid writing is not his deed, and that theydid not at any time ever make that writing, as is premised, in the style of an acquittance to the same Ralph, as he [Ralph] says, etc.
And they seek that this may be inquired by private and foreign merchants of the community, etc. And Ralph likewise, etc. Therefore let the country be summoned for Friday next following. And the same day, etc. And because the aforesaid writing was denied by the same Reymund and Arnald, it was handed for custody to John of Dunstable, under the seal of the aforesaid Reymund, until, etc.
Afterwards came the aforesaid Ralph and Reymund. And Ralph freely granted and put himself precisely on the arbitration of four good and lawful men nominated by himself and Reymund, namely, John the clerk, coroner of the aforesaid city, Robert Hardel, Geoffrey of Brackley and Reginald the barber of Vinetree, in respect of all causes,
18quarrels and demands in any way contingent on the same statute and debt. And if the same John and the other arbitrators cannot agree one with another upon the premises nor unite, that they then should admit unto themselves in the matter Richer of Reepham a fifth arbitrator in the form aforesaid. And that he should be subject to all ordinances and constitutions of the same John and the other arbitrators aforesaid upon the premises ordained and constituted therein by themselves, from the beginning of the World until this day, as is aforesaid, etc.
And to observe these things faithfully and to keep them in the form aforesaid the aforesaid Ralph Hardel before the mayor and sheriffs of London and the aldermen of the same city took his corporal oath, ete. [And Reymund for himself and partner likewise.] Whereby precept was made to the serjeants that they summon the aforesaid John and the other arbitrators aforesaid that they should be here on Friday next following to arbitrate upon the premises, etc., on which the aforesaid Ralph and Reymund, as well for themselves as for Arnald his partner aforesaid have put themselves in the name of arbitration thereof in the form aforesaid, etc.
Afterwards, on the Friday following came the aforesaid John the Clerk, coroner, and the others his fellow arbitrators aforesaid before the mayor, etc. And they say definitely on the authority of the arbitration aforesaid (on which as well the before-mentioned Reymund for himself and Arnald his partner aforesaid, as the beforementioned Ralph Hardel put themselves in all causes and quarrels as is premised, etc.) that the before-mentioned Reymund for himself and the aforesaid Arnald shall remit and quitclaim for themselves and their heirs and assigns to the aforesaid Ralph and to his heirs [etc.] all actions, demands, and quarrels which he had or in anywise could have towards the same Ralph by reason of the Statute aforesaid and of the aforesaid debt in the future, ete. And algo all manner of other actions, demands and quarrels whatsoever which he or the aforesaid Arnald might have by reason of any contract of any debt whatsoever or have in any other legitimate manner from the beginning of the world unto the aforesaid Friday in the year abovesaid, etc. And that the same Reymund and Arnald are to make to the before-mentioned Ralph their letters patent thereof in the form aforesaid, etc. And for this remission, etc., however, the beforementioned Ralph Hardel is to pay to the beforementioned Reymund and Arnald his partner ten mares.
And go, all due allowances being made to the parties aforesaid and their reasonings and instruments on both sides being inspected and heard, the same Ralph none the less is to make his letters patent to the aforesaid Reymund and Arnald concerning all demands, actions and quarrels [as premised in the above award].
Dominus hex mandavit breve suum majori et vicecomitibus Londonie in hec verba, eto :
Edwardus Dei gratia, etc., majori et vicecomitibus Londonie, salutem. Ex gravi querela Radulphi Hardel accepimus quod, licet ipse [de] triginta et duabus libris (quas nuper coram Radulpho de Sandwieo, tune custode civitatis nostre Londonie et Johanne de Banquell', ad recognieiones debitorum in eadem civitate accipiendas deputatis, recognoverat se debere Remundo de Nevile et Arnaldo de Squinat solvendas ad certum terminum, jam preteritum), juxta formam Statuti nostri de recognicionibus debitorum pro mercatoribus editi, prefatis Remundo et Arnaldo diu est ad plenum satisfecerit ef quietaneias inde habuerit sufficientes, iidem tamen Reymundus et Armaldus prefatum Radulphum, virtute Statuti predieti, per vos capi et in prisona nostra de Neugate, per magnum tempus post satisfactionem predietam, detineri maliciose et contra formam Statuti ejusdem procuraverunt; per quod vobis precepimus quod, inspeotis quietanciis predictis, si per inspectionem corundem aut alio modo legitimo vobis constare posset prefatis Reymundo et Arnaldo de predicta pecunie summa per prefatum Radulphum juxta formam Statuti predicti fuisse sicut premittitur, satisfactum, tunc ipsum Radulphum a prisona predieta, si ea occasione et non alia detentus esset in eadem, feceritis sine dilacione, prout justum fuerit, deliberari vel causam nobis significaretis quare mandata nostra vobis pluries inde directa exequi noluistis vel non debuistis. Ac vos mandata nostra predieta parvi pendentes, predictum Radulphum, quamquam diu est paratus extiterit, rationabiliter docere coram vobis se debito predicto prefatis Reymundo et Arnaldo satisfecisse, per quod a predicta prisona per formam statuti ilius deliberari debuerat, & prisona hucusque eliberare, vel eausam quare hoc facere noluistis vel non debuistis nobis significare non euraveritis, in nostri ac mandatorum nostrorum predictorum contemptum manifestum, et ipsius Radulphi dampnum non modieum et gravamen—de quo miramur plurimum et movemur.
Et quia nolumus ipsum Radulphum eontra formam statuti predicti indebite pregravari, vobis adhue precipimus quod tam prefatum Radulphum quam predietos Reymundum et Arnaldum eoram vobis venire et, auditis eorum hine inde rationibus, si per quietanocias predictas vel alio modo legitimo vobis constare possit eisdem Reymundo et Arnaldo
17de debito predicto per dictum Radulphum satisfactum fuisse, sicut predictum est, tune ipsum Radulphum a prisona predicta, juxta tenorem mandatorum nostrorum predictorum vobis inde direetorum, sine dilacione deliberari faceretis; alioquin vos ipsi sitis coram nobis in Oetabis Saneti Michaelis, ubieumque tune fuerimus in Anglia, ostenguri quare mandata nostra predicta exequi contempsistis. Et habeatis ibi tune hoc breve. Teste me ipso apud Cantuariam xj die Julii, anno regni nostri xxvij°.
Per quod mandatum tam Radulphus Hardel quam prefati Raymundus et Arnaldus premuniti fuerunt secundum formam brevis predicti.
Et Radulphus venit et quesitus si aliquid habeat pro se vel dicere sciat contra Statutum predictum, quare ipse prefatis Reymundo et
Arnaldo, predictas xxxij°. libras solvere non debeat, sicut predictum est, etc. Et Radulphus venit et ostendit in curia hic quandam quietanciam
sub nominibus predictorum Reymundi et Arnaldi, in qua continetur quod iidem Reymundus et Arnaldus remiserunt et quietum elamaverunt
prefato Radulpho Hardel ommnimodas actiones et demandas quas habuerint vel quoquo alio modo legitimo habere potuerint in predictis
triginta et duabus libris, quas nuper coram Radulpho de Sandwyoo, tune custode civitatis Londonie, et Johanne de Banquell ad recog-
niciones debitorum in eadem civitate accipiendas deputatis, recognoverat se predictis Reymundo et Arnaldo debere, solvendas ad certum
terminum jam preteritum, juxta formam Statuti predicti, etc. Que quidem quietancia visa fuit in curia hic, que hoc testatur; et petit
quod deliberetur a prisona predieta desicut ipse ostendit quietancism de predicto debito sufficienter, ete. Eit predictus Arnaldus non venit;
et Reymundus dicit quod predictum scriptum non est factum suum nec quod ipsi illud seriptum unquam nomine acquietaeionis eidem
Radulpho, ut premittitur, aliquo tempore fecerunt, sicut ipse dicit, etc.
Et petit quod hoc inquiratur per mercatores privatos et extraneos de communitate, eto. Ei Radulphus similiter, etc. Ideo summoneatur
patria ad diem Veneris proximo sequentem. Et idem dies, etc. Et quia predictum scriptum fuit dedietum per eosdem Heymundum et
Arnaldum, traditum fuit custodiendum Johanni de Donestaple, sub sigillo predicti Reymundi, quousque, etc. Postea venerunt predicti RadulphusetReymundus. Et Radulphus gratis concessit et posuit se precise in arbitrio quatuor proborum et legalium hominum per ipsum et Reymundum nominatorum, videlicet,
Johannis le Clerc, coronatoris predicte civitatis, Roberti Hardel, Galfridi de Brakele et Reginaldi le Barber de Vinetre, de omnibus causis, querelis
18et demandis predictum statutum et debitum predictum aliquomodo contingentibus. Et si idem Johannes et alii arbitratores predieti se invicem super premissis concordari non possent seu adunari quod ipsi tuno Richerum de Refham sibi inde admitterent quintum arbitratorem in forma predicta. Et quod ipse staret de alto et basso in omnibus ordinacionibus et constituecionibus eorundem Johannis et aliorum arbitratorum predictorum super premissis per ipsos inde ordinatis et constitutis, ab initio mundi usque ad hune diem, sicut predictum est, etc.
Et ad hoc fideliter observanda et tenenda in forma predicta predictus Radulphus Hardel coram majore et vicecomitibus Londonie et aldremannis ejusdem civitatis corporale prestitit sacramentum, etc. Et Remundus pro se et Arnaldo socio suo predicto, coram, ete., idem prestitit sacramentum in forma prediota, ete. Perquod preceptum fuit servientibus quod summoneant predictos Johannem et alios arbitratores predictos quod essent hic ad diem Veneris proximo sequentem ad arbitrandum super premissis, etc., in quibus prefati Radulphus et Reymundus tam pro se quam pro Arnaldo socio suo predicto inde se posuerunt nomine arbitracionis in forma predicta, etc.
Postea die Veneris sequenti venerunt predieti Johannes le Clerc coronator et alii socii sui arbitratores predicti coram majore, etc. Et dieunt et definiunt auctoritate arbitrii predicti, in quo tam prefatus Reymundus, pro se et Arnaldo, socio suo predicto, quam prefatus Radulphus Hardel, in omnibus eausis et querelis, ut premittitur, se posuerunt, eíc., quod prefatus Reymundus pro se et predicto Arnaldo remittet et quietum clamabit pro se et heredibus et assignatis suis omnes aetiones demandas et querelas predicto Radulpho et heredibus, [etc.], quas habuit vel aliquo modo habere potuit erga eundem Radulphum racione Statuti predicti et debiti predieti in futurum, etc. Et eciam omnimoda alias actiones, demandas et querelas quaseumque quas ipse vel predictus Árnaldus versus eundem Radulphum, racione alieujus contractus cujuscumque debiti, habuerint seu aliquo alio modo legitimo habere potuerint, ab initio mundi usque ad diem Veneris predietam, anno supradieto, etc. Et quod iidem Reymundus et Arnaldus prefato Radulpho suas litteras inde faciant patentes in forma predieta, ote. Eit pro hae autem remissione, etc., prefatus Radulphus Hardel solvat prefatis Reymundo et Arnaldo, socio suo, decem marcas.
Et sie omnibus allocatis allocandis partibus predictis et corum rationibus et eorum instrumentis hine inde inspectis et auditis, idem Radulphus nihilominus suas litteras predictis Reymundo et Arnaldo faciat patentes de omnibus demandis, accionibus et querelis. Sicut premittitur per considerationem arbitri predieti, etc.