*Decree of the Cortes, 9th January, 1828. - (Translation) - The Extraordinary Cortes, in virtue of the powers vestes in them by the Consitution, and having examined the Proposition made to them by His Majesty, with respect to various Reclamations of the British Government, have decreed:- Art. 1. The Decree of the Cortes of the 27th of January, 1822, respecting the trade of the island of Cuba, ill hereby extended to all the provinces of Ultramar, in the same manner as has been declared, with respect to the aforesaid island, for the term of 10 months, to date respectively from the time of the publication of the Decree, in favour of all those nations which the Government may think proper to include therein, for which object full powers are hereby given to it. 2. The Government ill likewise hereby authorized, either by itself, or by means of Arbitrators, to be appointed by it and by the British Government, to inquire into and decide upon the Reclamations made by the latter, including all those captures, which, from whatever cause, seem to bear a doubtful character, as well as those which originate in the blockade of the Costa Firma, dividing those cases into classes, and setting against them the Reclamations which Spanish subjects may have to make against Great Britain. 3. The Nation assigns, from the present moment, a sum of 40,000,000 of rials, more or less, in the great book, for the payment of such indemnifications as may result from the proceedings in question; thus giving a proof of the sincerity and jusdtice of its principles, and of its desire to preserve relations of amity with Great Britain, and to repair any losses which may have been sustained by its subjects. 4. The claims of British subjects, mentioned in the Order of the Cortes of the 27th of June, 1822, shall be paid by the National Treasury, after liquidating the accounts, and coming to such an agreement as the Order presercribes. 5. If during the investigation prescribed in Article 2, there should appear to be any fault or injustice, in the adjudication of the interest and proceeds of Captures, or culpability on the part of the Authorities, the Governments shall put the laws into strict execution for their punishment, and thus relieve the Nation from a part of the obligation which has fallen upon it. 6. The Government will submit to the Cortes, as soon as possible, the system which it proposes to adopt, with respect to the provinces of Ultramar, as well those which are in a state of revolt, liS those which adhere to the mother country; and the alterations which it considers indispensable in the !aws of trade and navigation of the lndies; either by adapting them to the power of the Nation, or by conforming them to those of other Maritime Powers, by means of Treaties. Madrid, 9th January, 1823 JAVIER DE ISTURIZ, President.