249Gerechtshof Den Haag, 22 April 2014, CISG-online 2515; OGH, 31 August 2005, CISG-online 1093; Kantonsgericht Zug, 11 December 2003, CISG-online 958; BGH, 31 October 2001, CISG-online 617; CISG-AC Opinion No. 13, Black Letter Rule para. 1.
250Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 236; Kröll et al./Ferrari, Art. 14 para. 39.
251Staudinger/Magnus, Art. 14 para. 41; Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 237; CISG-AC Opinion No. 13, B/2.9 et seqq.; see also Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf, 30 January 2004, CISG-online 821, para. III.1.b.bb.(1) (in this case it was not sufficiently clear that the seller wanted to include its standard terms of delivery, which were printed on the backside of its business paper, into the contract).
252BGH, 31 October 2001, CISG-online 617 (leading case, “An effective inclusion of general terms and conditions therefore presupposes first of all that the recipient of the offer is aware of the intention of the offerer to include his terms in the contract. In addition, [...] it must be demanded that he sends the recipient the text or makes it accessible in some other way.”); Gerechtshof Den Haag, 22 April 2014, CISG-online 2515; Landgericht Stuttgart, 15 October 2009, CISG-online 2019; Oberlandesgericht Celle, 24 July 2009, CISG-online 1906; Magnus, ZEuP 2002, 531 et seq.
253Such is, for example, the case in Switzerland and Germany. See Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter, Art. 14 para. 48; Ventsch/Kluth, IHR 2/2003, 224; Piltz, para. 3-89; Huber/Mullis/Huber, 31.
254BGH, 31 October 2001, CISG-online 617, para. 111.2; Magnus, FS Kritzer, 320 et seq.
255Oberlandesgericht Hamm, 6 December 2005, CISG-online 1221; in detail Landgericht Heilbronn, 15 September 1997, CISG-online 562, para. 4; Amtsgericht Kehl, 6 October 1995, CISG-online 162; Piltz, battle of forms, [WRZ 2017, 196; Ferrari, Draft Digest 2004, Art. 8 para. 22; CISG-AC Opinion No. 13, Black Letter Rule para. 6.2. If a party accepts an unknown language as language of the contract, one can reasonably expect that party to obtain the necessary translation before concluding the contract. In case a party accepts but does not (correctly) understand contract clauses written in a foreign language, he may be entitled to assert mistake under the applicable domestic law (Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 237; see supra para. 10).
256In the same vein Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter, Art. 14 paras. 72 et seq.; CISG-AC Opinion No. 13, B/6.6.
257See Magnus, ZEuP 2002, 532; Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 238.
258See Perales Viscasillas, Draft Digest 2004, 269; Stiegele/Halter, Nochmals: Einbeziehung von Allgemeinen Geschaftsbedingungen im Rahmen des UN-Kaufrechts - Zuganglichmachung im Internet, JHR 2003, 169. Critical towards the possibility of incorporating standard terms by merely publishing them on the Internet Magnus, FS Kritzer, 322 et seq.; Piltz, AGB in UN-Kaufvertragen, IHR 2004, 134; Ventsch/Kluth, IHR 2/2003, 224 et seq.
259Drasch, 8; Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 238.
260Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter, Art. 14 para. 67; CISG-AC Opinion No. 13, Black Letter Rule para. 4.
261U.S. Court of Appeals (9th Cir.), 5 May 2003, CISG-online 767; Landgericht Trier, 8 January 2004, CISG-online 910.
262See Th. Koller, FS Honsell, 228 et seq.; Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter, Intro to Arts. 14-24 paras. 36 et seqq., 39 (failure to respond to a commercial letter of confirmation can only be deemed an acceptance if such a rule constitutes an international trade usage under Art. 9(i) or (2)); see infra Introductory Remarks to Arts. 14-24 paras. 8 et seqq.