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Arbitral Award of October 27, 1832 concerning the estate of Simon Bolívar

Arbitral Award of October 27, 1832 concerning the estate of Simon Bolívar
Additional Information

The PDF of the original handwritten award, its Spanish transcription and English translation were kindly provided to us by J. Eloy Anzola.
J. Eloy Anzola, an international arbitrator, is a Venezuelan-trained lawyer with postgraduate studies in Paris and Yale Law School (LL.M.). He practiced and taught Law in Caracas and is now residing in Miami, Florida, United States of America.

For further information on the Bolivar Award see: Anzola, J. Eloy, Reseña Histórica del Arbitraje Comercial en Venezuela, in: El Arbitraje en Venezuela
Estudios con motivo de los 15 años de la Ley de Arbitraje Comercial Caracas, 2013, pp 19-86

Table of Contents
[Link to the original text]
[Spanish transcription]

Laudo Arbitral del 27 de octubre de 1832

Maria Antonia Bolívar, Juana Bolívar y Josefa Tinoco

Doctores José Domingo Duarte, Francisco J. Yanes, Jose de los Reyes  Piñal y
Jose Ignacio Dias

[En] la ciudad de Caracas a 27 de octubre de 1832 los Jueces Arbitros en vista de los documentos y alegatos producido por las partes señora María Antª y Juana Bolívar y Josefa Mª Tinoco, y después de varias conferencias sobre los puntos del compromiso celebrado en 27 de Agto. último han fijado su

1consideración primera, en si el documento simple de la donacion que corre inserto en el testimonio del folio (ilegible) pieza segunda, es ciertamente otorgado por el Gral. Bolivar, y si debe reputarse como obra y disposición suya; y considerando que la identidad ó semejanza de su firma está cotejada por escribanos públicos y muchos testigos que la afirman entre los cuales algunos exponen que el mismo donante les significó la donacion que había hecho á su hermana la Sra. Juana Bolívar y uno de ellos se extiende a decir que en su presencia se otorgó y firmó el consabido documento: que la Sra. María Antª Bolívar opuesta a que la donacion tenga efecto, en la declaración que dio ante la Corte Superior de Just.ª ante el Secretario Francisco Sánchez como oficial mayor de veinte y dos de julio de mil ochocientos treinta pieza segunda folio diez y siete y siguientes, afirma que su herm.º el Gral Bolivar donó á su otra hermana Juana treinta mil pesos, suma igual a la comprendida en el documento; debían declararlo y declaran otorgado por el Gral. Bolívar y cierta la donacion que contiene. En

2segundo lugar: si las gestiones que practicó la Sra. Juana Bolivar ante el Juez de Letras de esta Ciudad en orden á la insinuación que hizo de la donacion, á la aprobación que recayó y protocolización que se mandó a hacer, son válidas y subsistentes y meditando que la insinuación debe hacerla precisamente el donante o el donatario en el solo caso de obrar este con poder y facultad especial conferida por aquel y antes de su muerte: que el documento de donacion, no aparece que su autor haya dado tal facultad a la donataria, ni de otra especie de prueba; que la insinuación que se hizo fue después de muerto el donante; y finalmente que los actos practicados en el Juzgado de Letras y sus acuerdos en orden á la tal insinuación, debieron y han debido entenderse sin perjuicio del derecho que tengan los demás interesados, puesto que no fueron oídos en contradictorio juicio, ni sobre ello ha recaído una sentencia formal, juzgaron, que debían de declarar y declaran, que la insinuación, aprobación y protocolización hechas, no han podido producir efecto alguno contra los derechos de las partes contrarias.

3Tercero: si la enunciada donacion sea ó no mortis causa; o intervivos. En cuanto á lo primero conceptuaron: que la palabra que usa el donante es expresión de presente, y la que se acostumbra en toda donacion intervivos, como como es la de dono, y aunque en el documento si hace mencion de la muerte es [coincidente] que ella no fue la causa inductiva y origen de la donacion, sino solo para indicar que si sobreviniese la muerte del donante, constase que había hecho la tal donacion; en cuyo concepto declararon, no ser donacion causa mortis. Y en orden á lo segundo, por las razones antes expuestas y el caracter propio que distingue á una donacion de la otra consideraron que la contenida en el referido documento es de la clase que define la ley 1ª tit. 4º, part.ª 5ª en estos términos: “donacion es bien fecho que nace de noblesa e bondad de corason, sin ninguna premia.” Por lo tanto declararon que era y es una donacion intervivos.

4 Cuarto: si la donacion sea remuneratoria o gratuita puramente y observando que para caracterizar una donacion de ser remuneratoria es necesario que así se exprese en ella, sin que sea suficiente la mención de servicio en general, sino que se especifican que aunque por parte de las donataria, se ha tratado de comprobar la remuneración con la escritura que a su favor otorgó el Gral. Bolivar en diez y nueve de Agosto de mil ochocientos trece ante Dn. Pablo Castrillo Escribano publico que fue de esta ciudad, por lo cual se comprometió dicho Gral. á dar á aquella 100 pesos por mes mientras tuviera en su poder el vínculo de la Concepcion que le disfrutaba esta para su hijo Guillermo Palacios, afirmando que no se le han pagado dichas pensiones; pero como en la diligencia estampada á continuación de la escritura referida aparece que el Gral. Bolivar cedió en el año de ochocientos catorce el consabido vínculo, lo pretendía la referida su hermana, es visto que por esta cesion quedó aquel exonerado de la citada obligación y aunque el año veinte y uno, hubiera vuelto el Gral. Bolivar á reasumir el mismo vinculo, como se presume, ya en esta epoca, había fallecido el Sr. Guillermo Palacios y por lo mismo habían cesado sus derechos, sin poderlos revivir su madre que no podía ser sucesora en el; por consig.te no había ya un motivo para que el Gral. Bolivar continuase en las suministraciones mensuales á que se habia obligado, agregandose á esto que posteriormente el referido Gral. donó á su dicha hermana una casa en esta ciudad y una deuda de veinte mil pesos contra los herederos del Sr. Juan Felix Palacios, con lo cual aun en el supuesto gratuito de tener lugar la remuneración por los motivos indicados parece bastante compensada cualquier deuda coma y obligación ó derecho que por rason de la referida escritura subsistiere á favor de la Sra. Juana contra el Libertador su hermano, en virtud de lo que declararon, no ser remuneratoria la donacion de treinta mil pesos.

5Quinto: cuales y qué efectos produce en derecho la expresada donacion; y habiendo como han acordado, resuelto y declarado que la donacion de treinta mil pesos es intervivos: que la de esta para que sean eficaces y valederas en mas de la cantidad de quinientos maravedices de oro, deben hacerse con carta y con sabiduría del juez mayor del lugar, cuyo concepto envuelve la palabra insinuación, que aunque por la ley 2ª tit.º 16 libº 5º de la Recopilación, se reputa derogada la disposición de la (novena) 9ª, tit.º 4º part.ª 5ª en cuanto al requisito de que sea ó deba ser hecha la donacion por carta como acto entrevivos; no lo está asimismo en cuanto á la necesidad de insinuación, ó presentarse al juez para su aprobación; pues ni la ley recopilada, ni otra española, ni alguna de la República, ha quitado la plenitud de fuerza que obliga a ser insinuada toda donacion intervivos, gratuita, pura perfecta é irrevocable para que sea eficaz en mas de quinientos maravedices, según el precepto de la citada ley de partidas; y advirtiendo el defecto de insinuación en debida forma en la enunciada donacion de treinta mil pesos, declararon tres de  los  Sres. Arbitros que solo es valida , firme, eficaz y susbsitente n cuanto a la cantidad de los quinietos maravedis de oro. Y estando  Y estando la mayoría en favor del requisito indispensable de la insinuacion según la ley de partidas, acordaron y declararon todos los Srs. Arbitros unánimemente que están dispensados de nombrar tercero en discordia, por no haberla en cuanto los cinco puntos considerados y declarados en la forma expresada, que constituyen sentencia formal, habiendo todos llenado su deber según se les autoriso por la escritura del compromiso. El Sr. Yanes conviene en que la donacion de treinta mil pesos  de que habla el documento que en testimonio corre al folio primero pieza segunda es entre vivos; pero disiente de los otros Sres. Arbitros en cuanto ellos juzgan que debe tenerse por inoficiosa en lo que excede de los quinientos maravedís de oro que designa la ley 9ª tit.º 4º part.ª 5ª, fundándose en que en la misma España, no se conoce que moneda sea esa como nota Gomes; pues aunque el Consegero Dn. Pedro de Cantos y Benites en su escrutinio de maravedices y moneda de oro antigua, su valor, reducción y cambio, á las monedas corrientes, dice que maravedices de oro es la sexta parte de una onsa, añade que duró hasta el tiempo  de Felipe  4º  y que si hubo algunos maravedices de oro efectivo, cesaron en el reinado de los reyes Católicos: que en tal conflicto cree sería mas prudente y justo ocurrir a la razon inductiva de la ley, para tener por inoficosa una donacion que no á la comparación y valor de monedas que solo se conocieron hace muchos siglos en la península y jamás en la Yndias. Las leyes prohíben las donaciones inmensas para impedir que los hombres se arruinen y dicipen inconsideradamente su patrimonio, y es evidente que la rason de semejante prohibición, no tiene lugar en el presente caso, pues treinta mil pesos no arruinaban ni podían arruinar la fortuna del Libertador, como se convence del valor en que se vendieron las minas, fuera de lo exhibido en la transacción y fuera de la asignación que la República le tenía hecha durante su vida, que sobre todo las leyes españolas que ponen tasa a las donaciones están en directa oposición con los principios fundamentales proclamados y reconocidos en Colombia y Venezuela desde el año de ochocientos once y por consiguiente abrogadas. En efecto se han proclamado y reconocido como derechos del Ciudadano, la libertad, la igualdad, y la propiedad: esta en el derecho que cada uno tiene de gozar y disponer de los bienes que haya adquirido con su trabajo e industria, derecho que incluye naturalmente la facultad de disponer de los mismos bienes según la voluntad de su dueño. La propiedad es tan esencial para la prosperidad del Estado cuanto que sin ella no puede haber riqueza prosperidad ni  felicidad; y si no se respeta y protege se entibia el anhelo por adquirir y por consiguiente la industria. El que no pudiera disponer libremente de sus bienes, no podría reputarse por verdadero dueño de los que le estuviere prohibido donar conforme a los impulsos de su afecto. De donde resulta que sería contrario al derecho de propiedad la disposición que prohibiere al ciudadano, usar, gozar y disponer de sus cosas a su voluntad y discreción: y siendo tal la citada ley de partida y sus concordantes juzga hallarse enteramente abogadas, y por consiguiente que la donacion de treinta mil pesos que el Libertador hiso a su hermana Sra. Juana Bolívar, es valida y eficaz.

Josef Duarte.                                      Javier Yanes
Jose de los Reyes Piñal                                          J. Ignacio Dias

Nicolas Martines
Eno. (ilegible) int.º
[English translation]

Arbitral Award of October 27, 1832

Maria Antonia Bolívar, Juana Bolívar, and Josefa Tinoco

Doctors José Domingo Duarte, Francisco Javier Yanes, Jose de los  Reyes Piñal
and Jose Ignacio Dias

[In] the city of Caracas on October 27, 1832, the Arbitrator Judges, given the documents and allegations produced by the parties, Mrs. María Antonia and Juana Bolívar and Josefa Maria Tinoco, and after several meetings on the points of the Arbitration Agreement (Compromiso)1 executed on the 27 of August of 1832. The Arbitrator Judges have set their

1first consideration: whether the simple donation document inserted in page (illegible), second bundle, is most definitely executed by General Bolivar, and if it should be considered as his work and disposition? Considering that public notaries and many witnesses confirm the identity or likeness of his signature, and among them, some have testified that the donor made this gift to his sister Mrs. Juana Bolívar, and one of them goes further to say that the well-known document was granted and signed in his presence; that Mrs. María Antonia Bolívar who opposes the full effects of the donation, in the statement she gave at the Superior Court of Justice, before Secretary Francisco Sánchez as senior officer, on the twenty-two of July of one thousand eight hundred and thirty, [which is inserted] in the second bundle, page seventeen, stated that her brother General Bolivar donated thirty thousand pesos to her other sister Juana, an amount equal to that included in the document; therefore, they [the Arbitrators] concluded that the document was granted by General Bolívar and affirmed the donation it contains.

2[Second consideration]: if the steps taken by Mrs. Juana Bolivar before the Judge of Letters of this City for the insinuación2 she made of the donation, its approval, and protocolization that was ordered to be made, are valid and effective? [The Arbitrators], taking into account that the insinuación must be made by the donor or the donee, but only if the latter has been empowered with that special authority before the donor’s death, and because, in the donation document, it does not appear that the donor had given such power to the donee and also because there is no other evidence, they [the Arbitrators] concluded that the insinuación carried out after the death of the donor, and the acts carried out in the Court of First Instance, and the agreements to do such insinuación, cannot prejudice the right of the other interested parties, and since [the other parties] were not heard in a contradictory trial, nor has a formal judgment fallen on it, they [the Arbitrators] judged, that they should declare and [actually] declare, that the insinuación, approval, and protocolization made, have no effect against the rights of the opposing parties.   
3[Third consideration:] Whether or not the donation is mortis causa or intervivos? They [the Arbitrators], on the first question, believe that the word used by the donor is an expression of the present and one that is customary in all intervivos donations, such as “I donate” and if death is mentioned in the document, it is coincidental, and it was not the cause and origin of the donation but was only meant to indicate that if the death of the donor occurred, it would be recorded that he had made such a donation; they  [the Arbitrators] declared the document is not a donation causa mortis. And for the second question, for the reasons set out above, and the proper character that distinguishes one donation from the other, they considered that the one contained in the aforementioned document is of the kind defined by the Fist Title, Law 4, Partida 53,  in these terms: "a donation is virtuous because it is born of nobility and goodness of heart, without any reward." Therefore, [the Arbitrators] declared that it was and is an intervivos donation.

4Fourth [consideration]: Whether the donation is in exchange for services or purely free? [The Arbitrators explained that to] consider a donation as being in exchange for services, it must be expressed in [the donation document], and it is not enough to mention services in general. The services must be specified. And although the donee had tried to prove that she received payments with the deed that General Bolivar granted in her favor on the 19th of August of 1813, before Don Pablo Castrillo, a public Escribano of this city, where [General Bolivar] promised to give her 100 pesos per month while he had in his possession the vínculo4 of the “Concepcion” that he enjoyed for Guillermo Palacios, affirming that she has not been paid said pensions; but as it appears in the written words stamped [at the end] of the referred deed, it looks as if General Bolivar assigned the well-known vínculo in the year 1814; [therefore] he was exonerated from paying said pension, and although [on] the year twenty-one, General Bolivar had returned to resume the same vínculo, at this time, Mr. Guillermo Palacios had died and therefore his rights had ceased, without being able to revive it as his mother could not be a successor in it. Therefore, there was no longer a reason for General Bolivar to continue with the monthly payments to which he was committed. In addition, later, the said General donated to his sister [Juana] a house in this city and a debt of twenty thousand pesos against the heirs of Mr. Juan Felix Palacios; it seems that his obligations were sufficiently compensated. No debt, obligation, or right, based on the deed, subsisted in favor of Mrs. Juana against the Liberator, her brother. [The Arbitrators] declared that the donation of thirty thousand pesos was not in exchange for services.

5Fifth [consideration]: what effects did this donation have under the law? As they [the Arbitrators] have agreed, resolved and declared that the donation of thirty thousand pesos is intervivos, and to be effective and valid in excess of five hundred gold maravedis, it had to be done with a letter and with knowledge of the chief judge of the place, as required by the insinuación rules, and although by Law 2, Title 16, Book 5 of the Compilation [Recopilación]5, and the provision of the 9th Law, Title 4, Partida 5, it may have been repealed as regards the requirement that the donation be made by letter when it is made intervivos; but the requirement of insinuación or the appearance before a judge for approval, were not repealed; for neither that law, nor another Spanish law, nor any of the Republic, has removed the fullness of force that requires that every donation intervivos to comply with insinuación, to be free, pure perfect and irrevocable if it exceeds five hundred maravedis, according to the precept of the aforementioned law of Partidas; and noting the lack of insinuación in due form in the stated donation of thirty thousand pesos,  three of the Arbitrators declared that the donation it is only valid, firm, effective and sustainable in the quantity of five hundred golden maravedis. And because the majority [of the Arbitrators] is in favor of the indispensable requirement of insinuación according to the law of Partidas, all the Arbitrators unanimously agreed and declared that it is not required to appoint a third party to resolve the differences between them, and [this document] is a formal judgment [issued by the Arbitrators], who have all fulfilled their duty as authorized by the Commitment [Compromiso].
Mr. Yanes agrees that the donation of thirty thousand pesos referred to in the document that runs in the first page of the second bundle is intervivos; he disagrees with the other Arbitrators insofar as they judge that it should be considered invalid in what exceeds the five hundred golden maravedis as provided in bay Law 9, Title 4, Partida 5, because in Spain itself, it is not known what currency is that as Gomes has noted; for although the Advisor Don Pedro de Cantos y Benites, in his scrutiny of maravedis and ancient gold coins, as to their value, reduction and exchange to the current money, says that maravedis of gold is the sixth part of an ounce, he adds they lasted until the time of Philip IV and that if there were some maravedis of effective gold,  they ceased to have effect in the reign of the Catholic Monarchs; that in such a conflict he believes it would be more prudent and just not to make ineffective a donation that does not comply with the comparison and value of coins that were only known many centuries ago in the peninsula and never in the Indies. The laws forbid immense donations to prevent men from ruining themselves and inconsiderately diminishing their wealth. It is evident that the reason for such a prohibition has no place in the present case, since thirty thousand pesos did not and could not ruin the fortune of the Liberator, as it is proven by the value at which the mines were sold, outside of what was exhibited in that transaction and in addition to the allocation that the Republic made to him during his life.  The Spanish law that puts a limit on donations is in direct opposition to the fundamental principles proclaimed and recognized in Colombia and Venezuela since the year of 1811 and is therefore abrogated. In fact, freedom, equality, and property have been proclaimed and recognized as rights of the Citizen; this is the right that each one must enjoy and dispose of the goods that he has acquired with his work and industry, a right that naturally includes the power to dispose of the same goods according to the will of its owner. Property is as essential to the State's prosperity as without it, there can be no wealth, prosperity, or happiness, and if it is not respected and protected, the desire to acquire it and, therefore, the industry is frail. He who could not freely dispose of his goods could not be considered the true owner, as he is forbidden to donate according to the impulses of his affection. Whence it follows that the provision that prohibits the citizen to use, enjoy and dispose of his things at his will and discretion would be contrary to the right of property: and since the law of Partidas and its consequences are of such nature, he judges that the donation of thirty thousand pesos that the Liberator made to his sister Mrs. Juana Bolívar, is valid and effective.

Josef Duarte                                           Francisco Javier Yanes
Jose de los Reyes Piñal                                  José Ignacio Dias
Nicolas Martines
Eno. (illegible)

1In 1832, according to Spanish Law that continued to govern Venezuelan legal matters during the XIX Century unless they contradicted laws enacted by the new Republic, arbitration agreements were required to be made by a document, the Compromiso, signed before an Escribano (equivalent to a public registrar or notary public).
2The “insinuación” is a statement made before a judge or a notary indicating the free and voluntary decision to donate goods or property, above a specific value. The judge or notary would authorize the granting of a public deed through which the donation is protocolized. It is intended to protect the donor, as it avoids the dissipation of his properties.
3“Partida 5” is one of the “Siete Partidas”, the Seven Parts, a Castilian legal code influenced by principles of Roman Law, published in 1265 and is considered to be one of the greatest achievements of Alfonso X, known also as Alfonso the Wise, king of Castille and León. The “Partidas” are a compendium meant to provide a universal system of legal principles and rules. Each of the seven “Partidas” or Parts, refers to an area of the law: the organization of the Church, political and military power, the obligations of the king and of the people, the judiciary and arbitration, procedural and matrimonial Law, civil Law and feudal and serfdom relations, succession Law and penal Law. The Partidas came to America with the Spanish legal system, and it was a constant and needed reference for lawyers and judges.
4A vínculo, not in existence in current times, was a system where goods and properties were tied up, and could not be divided or disposed of. The grantor would indicate who were the beneficiaries, normally members of his family or charitable institutions.
5The Spanish laws from time to time, up to the beginning of the XIX Century would compile all existing statutes or laws and publish them in one or several books, called Recopilación.

A project of CENTRAL, University of Cologne.